Faculty at the EMC
Robert A. Erickson
(Ph.D., Yale, 1966)
Professor Emeritus, English Department
U. California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3170
tel: (805) 893-2453
fax: (805) 893-4622
email: erickson@english.ucsb.edu
(Ph.D., Yale, 1966)
Professor Emeritus, English Department
U. California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3170
tel: (805) 893-2453
fax: (805) 893-4622
email: erickson@english.ucsb.edu

Areas of Interest
- Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century British literature
- Literature and religion
- Literature and Medicine
Books and Recent Articles |
- On the External Uses of Water in The Expedition of Humphry Clinker in Tobias Smollett, Scotlands First Novelist: New Essays in Memory of Paul-Gabriel Bouce, ed. by O M Brack, Jr. (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2007), pp. 94-114.
- Swifts Dark Materials in Historical Boundaries, Narrative Forms: Essays on British Literature in the Long Eighteenth Century in Honor of Everett Zimmerman, ed. Lorna Clymer and Robert Mayer (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2007), pp. 164-83.
- Milton and the Poetics of Ecstasy in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Fiction in A Companion to the Eighteenth-Century Novel and Culture, ed. Paula Backscheider and Catherine Ingrassia (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005), pp. 117-39.
- "Fictions of the Heart: Sterne, Law, and the Long Eighteenth Century" in Fiction and Religion, ed. David Blewett; special edition of Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 15, 3-4, April-July 2003, pp. 559-582.
- "Words of Power: Paradise Lost, Shamanism, and the Kalevala" in Styles and Positions: Ethnographic Perspectives in Comparative Religion, ed. Tuula Sakaranaho et.al. Helsinki: Helsinki Univ., Comparative Religion 8, 2002, pp. 221-35.
- "'Rapt Above the Pole': Milton's Paradise Lost and Shamanism" in Shamanhood: Symbolism and Epic, ed. Juha Pentikainen, Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 2001, pp. 221-35.
- "Ethnography in The Theater of the Body" in Ethnography is a Heavy Rite (Abo Academy Press, 2000)
- The Language of the Heart, 1600-1750. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997.
- "Lady Fulbank and the 'Poet's Dream' in Aphra Behn's The Lucky
Chance," in Broken Boundaries (University Press of Kentucky,
- "Mrs. A. Behn and the Myth of Oroonoko-Imoinda," in Eighteenth-Century Fiction (1993)
- "William Harvey's De motu cordis and the 'Republick of Literature,'" in Literature and Medicine during the Eighteenth Century (Routledge, 1993)
- Mother Midnight: Birth, Sex, and Fate in Eighteenth-Century Fiction (Defoe, Richardson, and Sterne). New York: AMS Press, 1986.
- The History of John Bull, by John Arbuthnot (editor, with A. W. Bower). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976.
Current Projects
- The Poetics of Ecstasy, 1550-1750
- Pope as Poet of Rapture
- Swift, Sterne, and the Anglican Sermon Performed
- Cleland's Gospel of "Extasy"
Recent Courses Taught
- Libertine Literature and Eighteenth-Century Fiction
- Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
- The Poetics of Prophecy
- Milton and the Poetics of Ecstasy
- Poetry of Domesticity
- "'Words of Power': The Shamanic Epic from Paradise Lost to the Kalevala," undergraduate course in the University of Helsinki, department of Religious Studies, fall and spring, 1999-2000
- "Textual Interpretation," doctoral seminar in the University of Helsinki, department of Religious Studies, fall and spring, 1999-2000