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An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789) (brief excerpts) (Robert Cavalier, Carnegie Mellon U.)
Bentham Newsletter 
Bentham on Economics (Bristol Resources for the History of Economics)
The Bentham Project (Jonathan Harris, University College London)
Bentham's Panopticon (Tom Formaro)
The British Utilitarians (Robert Cavalier, Carnegie Mellon U.)
Jeremy Bentham on the Net (online video camera aimed at body of Bentham on view at University College London; "the creator of the Panopticon is himself on view to millions of Internet users around the world. The tables have been turned")
Offences Against One's Self: Paederasty (ed. Louis Crompton) (Columbia U.)
Principles of Morals and Legislation (Chaps. 1-4) (1781) (James Fieser, U. Tenessee at Martin)