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Deleuze and Guattari Rhiz-O-Mat ("The first version of the Rhiz-o-Mat was created on the 'm.e.s.s.i.a.h.' site circa May 1995. A Thousand Plateaus recommended a record-album style of reading -- what if it skipped? . . . A series of meta-tags. A simple quote feeder. "Push Media" . . . BlebNet has now reformatted this arcane textual artifact with an all new post-apocalyptic shell with a client-based back-end squiggle.")
Jacques Derrida, "I Have to Wander All Alone" (words on the death of Gilles Deleuze) (trans. David Kammerman, Tympanum)
Smooth/Striated Cyberspace (assemblage of comments and links relating the web to Deleuze and Guattari's notion of "smooth space")