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 •  Jon Katz
 •  Paul Treanor
 •  Digital Divide
John Arquilla & David Ronfeldt (RAND Foundation), "Cyberocracy, Cyberspace, and Cyberology: Political Effects of the Information Revolution" 
Paulina Borsook, "Cyberselfish" (1996) ("Although the technologists I encountered [in Silicon Valley] were the liberals on social issues I would have expected (pro-choice, as far as abortion; pro-diversity, as far as domestic partner benefits; inclined to sanction the occasional use of recreat
Henry Jenkins and David Thornburn (MIT) "he Digital Revolution, The Informed Citizen, and the Culture of Democracy" (2003) (pdf) (Introduction to Democracy and New Media)
Digital Divide
Wenhong Cheng and Barry Wellman (U. Toronto) "Charting Digital Divides: Comparing Socioeconomic, Gender, Life Stage, and Rural-Urban Internet Access and Use in Five Countries" (2003) (pdf)
Digital Divide (links to articles) (Martin Ryder, U. Colorado, Denver)
Digital Divide Basics (articles and links to resources) (Digital Divide Network)
Digital Divide (a set of links devoted to many different facets of this issue) (Yahoo)
Paul DiMaggio, Eszter Hargittai, et al. (Princeton U.) "Digital Inequality: From Unequal Access to Differentiated Use " 
"Falling Through the Net" (series of reports from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce)
Ezster Hargittai (Northwestern U.) "Second Level Digital Divide: Differences in People's Online Skills" ( First Monday )
Hot Topics- Digital Divide (ELab; Vanderbilt U.)
Denis Gaynor (Georgetown U.), "Democracy in the Age of Information: A Reconception of the Public Sphere" (1996) 
Government & Politics on the Net Project (U. California, Santa Barbara)
Homepage (NSF-funded three-year study of political uses of the Net; "the research is aimed at understanding whether the technologies of the Net may alter patterns of political participation and engagement in public affairs by citizens in the U.S.") (Bruc
Data on Growth of the Internet, with historical comparisons to television, radio, and telephones 
"The Internet and Political Transformation: Populism, Community, and Accelerated Pluralism 
Internet Demographics 
Anthony Judge, "The Challenge of Cyber-Parliaments and Statutory Virtual Assemblies" (1998) 
Jon Katz
"Birth of a Digital Nation" (1997) 
"The Digital Citizen" (1997) (""The First in-depth poll finds Digital Citizens are optimistic, tolerant, civic-minded, and radically committed to change") (Wired)
Netfuture: Technology and Human Responsibility (weekly newsletter that submits the net to ethical, social, political critique) (Steve Talbott)
The Network Observer ("on-line newsletter about networks and democracy") (Phil Agre, U. Calif., San Diego)
Declan McCullagh Politech ("the oldest Internet resource devoted to politics and technology. Launched in 1994, the Politech mailing list has chronicled the growing intersection of law, culture, technology, and politics. Since 2000, so has the Politech web site")
Andrea Whittam Smith, "An Oxford Debate on the Nation State and the Net" (1997) (argues that the Internet does not undermine the nation state) (London Independent / New York Times Syndicate)
Paul Treanor
"Internet as Hyper-Liberalism" ("The political ethic, and structure, of the Internet are liberal. In fact, it clarifies the defects of liberalism: it can and should be ended")
MII-DEM List Archives (archives of articles and discussions on the contested relation between communication technology and democracy)
"Pro-Net Fallacies" ("a few of the fallacies that circulate in political texts about the Net")
Langdon Winner (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), "Cyberlibertarian Myths and the Prospects for Community" (1997) ("critique of the banal fantasies that pass as 'vision' among of many of those who speculate about cyberspace and politics in our time")
"Working Document on the Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme" (1997) (Adobe Acrobat version of a set of initiatives to promote European Union information society in a socially responsible way)