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 •  American Studies Web: Literature and Hypertext Page
 •  Vannevar Bush
 •  The Electronic Labyrinth
 •  George P. Landow (Brown U.)
 •  Jerome McGann
 •  Colin Moock
 •  Stuart Moulthrop (U. Baltimore)
 •  John Unsworth
 •  Michael Heim  
alt.hypertext (web interface to newsgroup)
American Studies Web: Literature and Hypertext Page
Homepage (Crossroads, Georgetown U.)
Literature and Hypertext Resources 
Babble: A Synoptic Unicode Browser (multilingual "SGML-capable synoptic text tool that can display multiple texts in parallel windows. . . . allows multilingual texts, using mixed character sets, to be displayed simultaneously. . . ."; downloadable p
V. Balasubramanian (Rutgers U.), "Hypertext Review" (study of hypertext issues)
Sven Birkerts, Carolyn Guyer, Bob Stein, and Michael Joyce, " Page versus Pixel: Part One of FEED's Dialogue on Electronic Text " (June 1995)
Vannevar Bush
Vannevar Bush, "As We May Think" (1945) (the canonical essay that prophesied hypertext; originally published in The Atlantic Monthly)
"Conversation with Geoffrey Bennington" (on the relation between deconstruction and hypertext, the Internet, and information technology) (Seulemonde)
CREW: Compact for Responsive Electronic Writing ("a non-binding, strictly symbolic agreement among WWW authors promising to open their documents to links proposed by others in the community")
Derrida and Hypertext ("overview list all those hypertexts which make use of Derrida's theories") (Marc Zbyszynski, Brown U.)
J. Yellowlees Douglas, "Gaps, Maps And Perception: What Hypertext Readers (Don't) Do" (Perforations)
Bonnie Duncan, "Citing Hypermedia: Solving the Indexing Dilemma" (1998) (essay by the editor of the peer-reviewed online journal (Re)Soundings that lays out a suggested practical policy for the structure of journal file directories, file-naming conventions, etc.) ((Re)Soundings)
Eastgate Systems Home Page (commercial offerings of Mac Storyspace hypertext resources)
The Electronic Labyrinth
Homepage (major guide to the genealogy, philosophy, structure, and technology of hypertext (as related to literature); includes links to many short essays as well as online literary resources at U. Alberta) (Christopher Keep, Tim McLaughlin, robin)
Selected Resources:  
Guide to Publications on Hypertext Writing and Criticism 
Hypertext Terminology 
Literary Formats from Manuscripts to Electronic Texts (set of short informational essays on early precedents for contemporary hypertext and multimedia, ranging from palimpsenst and manuscripts through Blake and William Morris to electronic media)
The Non-Linear Tradition in Literature (short information pages with links regarding eight print authors of particular relevance to the age of hypertext: Sterne, Robbe-Grillet, Nabokov, Cortázar, O'Brien, Calvino, Pavic)
Re-Thinking the Book (short informational essays on the history of the book from its beginnings to contemporary hyper- and intertextuality)
Software Environments 
Software Environments for Hypertext Work 
Time Line (chronology with links to informational resources elsewhere in the site)
Writing and Reading Electronic Texts (short information essays on the structure, design, and process of authoring/reading hypertexts)
English Server: Multimedia/Hypermedia Resources (Carnegie Mellon U.)
Exposition S95 - Toward an Electronic Humanities: A Hypertext Poetics (hypertext project by Gregory Ulmer's graduate seminar in electronic culture, U Florida)
Jurgen Fauth, "Poles in Your Face: The Promises and Pitfalls of Hyperfiction" (Navigate through back issues to V 1, N 6, September 1995)
Terry Harpold, " Hypertext and Hypermedia: A Selected Bibliography (1991) "
Michael Heim
Hipertulia ("una página dedicada al hipertexto y a la hiperficción que quiere cubrir parcialmente el vacío que existe en castellano sobre estos asuntos") (Dept. de Filogogía Española, U. Complutense de Madrid)
History-of-Hypertext Timeline (Jorn Barger)
Hypertext (links, resources, essays)(George Landow, Brown University)
Hyperizons (annotated bibliography of original hypertext fiction, criticism, and related sites) (Michael Shumate, Duke U.)
HyperLiterature/HyperTheory HomePage (Virginia Tech)
Hypertext and Hypermedia: A Select Bibliography (extensive bibliography of the literature on this topic; includes live links where possible) (Scott Stebelman; George Washington U.)
Hypertext Theory Links (Communication Studies Dept., U. Iowa)
Hypertext as Group Practice (Mary Hocks, U. of Illinois)
Hypertext and Hypermedia: a select bibliography (bibliographies of conferences proceedings, journals, and anthologies; history and overview; theory and design; critique; background; and other hypertext bibliographies)(Terry Harpold, Georgia Tech)
Hypertext Literature Research Tools (Jack Lynch, Rutgers U.)
Hypertext, or Anti-Linear Navigation (beautifully-designed hypertext work on hypertext and poststructuralist theory) (Eric Feay)
Hypertext Terms 
Hypertext Theory As If the WWWeb Matters (identifies a series of "problems" to solve in web design) (Jorn Barger)
HyperTheory/HyperLiterature Annotated Bibliography (hypertext annotated bibliography of critical and theoretical works relevant to hypertext produced by graduate English class at Virginia Tech)
Jean A. Jacobson (U. Minnesota), "Some Considerations for the Use of Lists as Hypertextual Devices on HTML WWW Pages" 
Steven Johnson, "The Dickensian Memex; or, the 19th-Century Roots of Hypertext" ("The associative powers of hypertext, like any other feature of language, have a rich history. The editor of Feed explores how evolving verbal forms--in our century, the previous one, and the next--respond to the requirements of content")
Nancy Kaplan, " Politexts, Hypertext, and Other Cultural Formations in the Late Age of Print " (Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine)
Glenn A. Kurtz (San Francisco State U.) , "From Work to Hypertext: Authors and Authority in a Reader-Directed Medium" (1997) 
George P. Landow (Brown U.)
Home Page 
Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory & Technology (Chap. 1) 
Review of James Nyce and Paul Kahn's From Memex to Hypertext: Vannevar Bush & the Mind's Machine 
Lucid Mapping and Codex Transformissions in the Z-Buffer ("investigation of textual and narrative possibilities within three dimensional on-screen environments [specifically Virtual Reality Modeling Language, or VRML]") (Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, U. Kentucky)
Marist College English Web: Postmodern Theory, Cultural Studies, and Hypertext (Tom Goldpaugh)
Jerome McGann
Homepage (U. Virginia)
"Radiant Textuality" (the relation of online computing and hypertext to literary scholarship)
"The Rationale of HyperText" 
Keep, McLaughlin, and robin [sic], The Electronic Labyrinth ("...a study of hypertext technology, providing a guide to this rapidly growing field. We are most concerned with the implications of this medium for creative writers looking to move beyond traditional notions of linearity and univocity.")(hoste
Colin Moock
"The Aphasia of Similarity Disorder on the World Wide Web: Jakobson's Linguistic Poles and Hyper-Text" (1995) (essay)
Nebeneinander and Nacheinander (hypertext fiction)
Stuart Moulthrop (U. Baltimore)
Home Page of Stuart Moulthrop 
Hypertext Fiction by Stuart Moulthrop 
Selected Essays by Stuart Moulthrop
"Citescapes" (1995) 
"Error 404: Doubting the Web" (1999) 
"Getting Over the Edge" (1993-96) 
Hypertext 96: Seventh International Conference on Hypertext (report on conference by Stuart Moulthrop)
"In the Zones" (1989) 
"No War Machine" (1992-95) 
"Pushing Back: Living and Writing in Broken Space" (1997) 
"Traveling in the Breakdown Lane: A Principle of Resistance for Hypertext" (1994-95) 
Dave Norton (Brigham Young U.), Playgrounds, Mosaics, & Improvisation Structures: A Study of Collaborative Hypertext Composition in the Classroom and in Theory (an extensive hypertext project discussing hypertext collaboration and community, hypertext theory, the structuring of collaborative hypertexts, and hypertext literacy; can be read as a narrative, as a bundle of themes, or in full hypertextuality)
(Daniel Anderson, U. Texas Austin), Not Maimed but Malted (hypertext essay on hypertextuality and the relation between graphics and text; applied to the problem of freshmen composition)
On-Line Literary Resources: Hypertext (Jack Lynch, Rutgers U.)
Thorsten Schreiber (U. Bayreuth, Germany), English Literatures on the Internet (M.A. thesis offering a "comprehensive study of material about English Literature on the internet"; includes discussion of the nature and role of electronic resources and in-depth commentary on major sites)
Clay Shirky, "This Essay Doesn't Fit on Your Screen: An Essay on Web Fiction" 
Show Your Fetish (collective hypertext writing experiment using X-Change Space) (
Thoms Swiss (Drake U.) Hypertext and English Studies (course)
Tearing Down the Page (hypertext meditation/pastiche on the concept of "voice"; part of U. Florida Fetish project) (Cooper Shelbey, U. Florida)
Ted Nelson's Xanadu Project 
The Textual Tesseract Project (a critical and theoretical discussion of hypertext built around an intensively inter- and intra-linked collection of British Romantic poems; the collection serves as a "model" of hypertext designed to facilitate understanding how hypertext works in relation to networks of words and connotations in a standing corpus of literary works) (Arcadia Falcone, UC Berkeley),
John Tolva (Washington U.) "Ut Pictura Hyperpoesis: Spatial Form, Visuality, and the Digital Word" (1996) (The Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext, Washington D.C.)
U. Baltimore Publications Design Home Page 
John Unsworth
Homepage (U. Virginia)
"Theory and Practice of Hypertext" 
Usable Web: Hypermedia ("General hypermedia knowledge as applied to the Web")(Keith Instone)
What is Hypertext? 
Stephen Wilson (Conceptual Design, Art Dept, SFSU) Hypermedia & Interactive Theory, Web Design Links 
Xanadu Home Page (Ted Nelson's vision of hypertext=universe) (Andrew Pam)
X-Change S-pace (innovative forms-based gateway to collectively written and edited hypertexts; anyone can create an HTML document and mount it on this Hamburg server; anyone can edit any HTML document in this "space"; the display "topography" of the s