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 •  Anglo-Saxon & Medieval Pedagogy: Courses and Resources
 •  Manuscripts and Manuscript Study
 •  Cultural and Historical Contexts
General Resources in Anglo-Saxon & Medieval Lit.
Middle English Dictionary (requires institutional subscription for access; trial membership for individuals available)(U.Michigan)
A Companion to Middle English Literature (pedagogically oriented text synopses and commentaries designed for graduate exam prep) (Medieval English Lit. and Historical Linguistics, Heinrich-Heine U. Dussseldorf)
Electronic Text Databases (sites dedicated to providing digital libraries of medieval literature)(see also Authors & Anonymous and Manuscripts & Manuscript Study)
Luminarium Anthology (metapage of online texts and other resources organized as a virtual anthology) (Anniina Jokinen)
The Old English Bible: Electronic Old-English Texts of Biblical Literature 
Christian Classics Etheral Library Homepage (online library of western spiritual classics)
Complete Corpus of Old English (text-file index of 3,000+ digitized texts) (Dictionary of Old English Project, U. Toronto)
Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse (gateway to the online texts of the Humanities Text Initiative, U. Michigan)
Middle English Drama (Anniina Jokinen)
DScriptorium ("devoted to collecting, storing and distributing digital images of Medieval manuscripts") (Jesse D. Hurlbut)
Forgotten Ground Regained: A Treasury of Alliterative and Accentual Poetry (alliterative and accentual poetry from medieval to modern) (Paul Deane)
Middle English Lyrics (Anniina Jokinen)
Medieval Irish Poetry (Maureen S. O'Brien)
The Online Medieval and Classical Library (OMACL) (searchable database of full text sources)(Douglas B. Killings/Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE)
Oxford Text Archive (searchable database of digital texts; must download to read)
Stanford U. Library Medieval Pages 
TEAMS Middle English Texts ("texts which occupy an important place in the literary and cultural canon but which have not been readily available in student editions"; includes introductions to each work) (Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle Ages)
U. Michigan Humanities Text Initiative: Middle English Collection 
U. Virginia Middle English Server:
Archive Search 
Title List 
Wessex Parallel Web Texts (editions and translations of Middle English lyrics and other short works, with detailed introductions and manuscript images) (Bella Millet, U. of Southampton)
Old English Pages (An encyclopedic compendium of resources for the study of Old English and Anglo-Saxon England)
Homepage of Old English Pages (Catherine N. Ball, Georgetown U.)
Old English Pages: Art and Artifacts 
Old English Pages: Map of Anglo-Saxon England (Matthew White)
CD-ROM, Audio, Software, Courses, Reference Materials 
Historical Context 
More Links 
Texts and Manuscripts 
Internet Medieval Sourcebook (includes full-text and excerpted sources) (Paul Halsall, Forham U.)
The Labyrinth (medieval metapage, with deep resources) (Deborah Everhart & Martin Irvine, Georgetown U.)
NetSERF: The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources
On-Line Literary Resources: Medieval (Jack Lynch, Rutgers U.)
Medieval Feminist Index - Scholarship on Women, Sexuality, and Gender (Margaret Schaus)
WWW Medieval Resources (English Dept., Virginia Tech U.)
Ian's English Calendar (dating resource for students of English history and literature: "converts between old and new style dates, calculates day of the week, British regnal years, and the date of Easter and other moveable religious holidays") (Ian McInnes, Albion C., Albion, MI)
A Companion to Middle English Literature (pedagogically oriented text synopses and commentaries designed for graduate exam prep) (Medieval English Lit. and Historical Linguistics, Heinrich-Heine U. Dussseldorf)
Authors and Anonymous Works (links to online texts of primary sources and criticism; anonymous texts alphabetized by standard title)
Aelfric (biography from (Stuart D. Lee,U. of Oxford)
Aelfric's Colloquy (text in Old English, glossary, sound files, and illustrations by Maija Graham) (Murray McGillivray, U. of Calgary)
Aelfirc's Homilies on Judith, Esther, and The Maccabees (e-texts in Old English, with very full information on manuscript, sources, editorial procedure, and with very full glossary information) (Stuart D. Lee, U. of Oxford)
Alexander Romances
Alexander and Dindimus (e-text of EETS edition) (English Poetry Full-Text Database, U. of New Brunswick)
Kyng Alisaunder (edition of Auchinleck MS text, collated with 2 other manuscripts) (National Library of Scotland)
Kyng Alisaunder Fragment (description of fragment probably from the Auchinleck MS) Sarah Aitchison; U. of London)
Ancrene Wisse 
Apollonius of Tyre: A Hypertext Edition (based on Thorpe's 1834 text and translation) (Catherine N. Ball, Georgetown U.)
Arthurian Studies
General Arthurian Resources
The Alternative King Arthur ("examines unusual topics, or mainstream topics in an unusual way. Its driving force is the desire to tease out the Celtic origins of Arthurian myth")
Arthuriana on the Web (annotated links)(Normon Hinton for ORB)
Arthurnet Resource Page (for Arthurian enthusiasts of all walks;links to texts,images, bibliographies, more)(Judy Shoaf, U. Florida)
Siân Echard's Medieval and Arthurian Pages 
Tom Green's Arthurian Resources Website (scholarly site includes pages on historicity, literature, and concepts)
Baragona's Arthurian Legend Page (Alan Baragona, Virginia Military Institute)
David Nash Ford King Arthur Basics 
The Camelot Project ("Arthurian texts, images, bibliographies and basic information")(Alan Lupack and Barbara Tepa Lupack,U. Rochester)
Dell Skeels Continental Arthurian Literature  (modern English translations of Anglo-Norman, Breton, Dutch, French, and German sources) (The Celtic Literature Collective)
A Guide to King Arthur's Forgotten Realm (undergraduate research project; includes photo essay of travel to Arthurian sites in Britian) (Joseph W. C. Boyles and W. J. Livingstone, III, Birmingham U. )
King Arthur: A Man for the Ages (both scholarly and popular information)
Labyrinth Arthurian Studies Pages (extensive links to texts and topics, medieval to modern)(Georgetown U.)
The Quest (Arthurian resources)(U. Idaho)
Vortigern Studies ("an initiative based in the Netherlands, dedicated to the study of the period between the Roman occupation of Britain and the Early Middle Ages; focuses primarily on the person of Vortigern; includes histories, source documents, bibliographies and maps,") (Robert Vermaat)
Authors and Texts
Arthurian Literature Online (the largest English language database of digital Arthurian literature, medieval to modern)(Camelot Project, U.Rochester)
House of Bards Anthology (a collection of English, Welsh, and Continental sources,some very difficult to find elsewhere)
Chretien de Troyes
Geoffrey of Monmouth
Malory (also see Malory entry under Authors and Anonymous Works)
Marie de France
Robert de Boron
Wolfram von Eschenbach
Journals and Societies
Arthuriana (journal and society)
Oxford Arthurian Society 
Geographic Sites (places associated with events in Arthurian literature)
Avalon (U. Idaho)
Glastonbury Abbey (alleged burial place of Arthur and Guinevere)(official site)
Glastonbury (extract from Geoffrey Ashe book, Arthurian Britian )
Sites of Arthurian Legend (index of brief articles about places in Great Britian associated with Arthurian material) (Erin Ogden-Korus / The Quest)
Stonehenge ("significant to Arthurian legend is the belief that Merlin caused the stones to be brought, over sea and land, from Ireland")(U.Idaho)
Tintagel (the purported site of the conception of Arthur)(U. Idaho)
Arthuriana Pedagogical Resources (Alan Baragona, Arthuriania, Southern Methodist U.)
Arthurian Legends: A Web Based Interdisciplinary Approach for Educators (lesson plans, methods, sources and backgrounds; designed for secondary school)(Katherine Eisenhower, U. Illinois Urbana-Champagne)
King Arthur Aloud ("As a service to both teachers and students, we have collected recordings by medieval scholars of passages from Arthurian texts in Middle and Early Modern English, Welsh, Anglo-Norman, Old French, and Middle High German. The purpose of these recordings is to give a sense of how the texts might have sounded to the original readers, so the emphasis is on accuracy of pronunciation according to current knowledge.")(Arthuriana)
John Audelay
John Audelay The Poems of John Audelay (e-text of Humphrey Milford's 1931 EETS edition) (English Poetry Full-Text Database, U. of New Brunswick)
John Barbour
The Brus (complete e-text of Duncan edition) (A.A.M. Duncan, U. of Glasgow)
John Barbour (biography) (Stephen Alsford and Gary Stein)
John Barbour 
Bede (aka The Venerable Bede)
Bede's Story of Caedmon (facing Old English and modern English, with link to Latin text, with a wealth of linguistic information and full manuscript data) (Benjamin Slade, Johns Hopkins U.)
Bede Net (bibliography, plus numerous links to Bede-related resources)(Stephen J. Harris, U. of Massachusetts at Amherst)
Bede's World (museum homepage, with links to a biography, images from exhibitions, and more) (Museum of Early Medieval Northumbria at Jarrow)
Bede Bede's Ecclesiastical History of English (e-text of A.M. Sellar's 1907 English translation) (Christian Classics Ethereal Library, Calvin C.)
Bede Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum: The History of the Primitive Church of England (e-text of the William hurst 1814 translation into English) (Saint Pachomius Library)
Beowulf (translation by Francis B. Gummere, revised and annotated)
Beowulf on Steorarume (Beowulf in Cyberspace) ("new critical edition of the text online, based on an examination of the original MS, with annotations and explanatory notes"; ed. and trans. Benjamin Slade, Johns Hopkins U.)
The Electronic Beowulf Project ("information on CD database of digital images of the Beowulf manuscript and related manuscripts and printed texts"; includes sidebar with links to articles relevant to the both the manuscript and the EBP) (British Library with Kevin Kiernan, U. Kentucky, and Paul Szarmach, Western Michigan U.)
Resources for Studying Beowulf (The Labyrinth)
Boethius Internet Seminar 
Geoffrey Chaucer
General Resources
The Electronic Canterbury Tales (U.Alaska)(Daniel T. Kline)
Chaucer Studies Bibliographies
Chaucer Metapage (collectively maintained project started at the 33rd International Congress of Medieval Studies)
The Canterbury Tales Project (Universities of Sheffield and Oxford)
Chaucer (Anniina Jokinen)
Chaucer Page (translations of Chaucer poems) (The Poetry Archives)
Links Related to Chaucer and Medieval Studies (Michael Hanly, Washington State U.)
WSU Chaucer Page (Michael Hanly, Washington State U.)
Chaucer Pedagogy Page (links to lectures, assignments, pronunciation guides, historical background, etc.)(Daniel T. Kline)
Chaucer: English 430 (Deborah Schwartz, California Polytechnic U., San Luis Obispo)
Chaucer (course page that includes well-selected links to Chaucer resources) (Edwin Duncan, Towson U., Maryland)
Helen Barr (Oxford U.) "Chaucer's Knight: A Christian Killer?" (essay from The English Review) (2001)
Glenn Burger (U. Alberta), "Queer Performativity and the Natural in Chaucer's Physician's and Pardoner's Tales" (Martin Irvine and Deborah Everhart, Georgetown U.)
Louise O. Fradenburg (U. of California, Santa Barbara) Sacrificial Desire in Chaucer's Knight's Tale (essay originally appearing in JMEMS) (1997)
Grover Furr (Montclair State U., NJ) The Nun's Priest's Tale and Nominalism: A Preliminary Study (1995)
Curtis Gruenler (Hope C., Holland, MI) Desire, Violence, and the Passion in fragment VII of The Canterbury Tales: A Girardian Reading 
Robert Levine (Boston U.) Restraining Ambiguities in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyda (1986)
Charles Muscatine (U. of Berkeley) The Knight's Tale (excerpt from Chaucer and the French Tradition, 1957) (Geoffrey Chaucer Page, Harvard U.)
Sarah Stanbury (C. of the Holy Cross, Massachusetts), "Visibility Politics in Chaucer's Knight's Tale" (Cultural Frictions Conference, Georgetown U., 1995) (HTML by Jeffrey Cohen, George Washington U.)
Mary Wack (Washington State U.), "Chaucer in 2001" 
Visual Resources
Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales: The Classic Text: Traditions and Interpretations (online exhibit on manuscript and print editions of Chaucer's texts) (U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Caxton's Canterbury Tales: The British Library Copies (online facsimiles of William Caxton's prints) (Ed. Barbara Bordalejo, De Montfort U., Leicester, UK)
Max's Chaucer Page ("digital paintings and illustrations of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales") (Max Cordonnier, Southeast Missouri State U.)
The Book of the Duchess (Online Medieval and Classical Library)
The Canterbury Tales (edited by F.N. Robinson) (Corpus of Middle English and Prose; U. of Michigan)
The Electronic Canterbury Tales (deep, well-organized set of annotated links to texts and materials related to The Canterbury Tales) (Daniel T. Kline, U. Alaska, Anchorage)
The House of Fame (Online Medieval and Classical Library)
The Minor Poems of Geoffrey Chaucer (texts of Chaucer's shorter poems, with hypertext glosses, critical introductions and bibliographies) (Gen. Ed., James Hunter, Edgewood C., Madison, WI)
The Parliament of Fowles (Online Medieval and Classical Library)
A Treatise on the Astrolabe (The Art Bin)
Treatise on The Astrolabe: addresses to his son Lowys (Humanities Text Initiative, U. Michigan)
Troilus and Criseyde (edited by B.A. Windeatt) (Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse; U.of Michigan)
Troilus and Criseyde (Online Medieval and Classical Library)
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles (in modern English) (Avalon Project, Yale Law School)
Medieval Drama
General Resources Medieval Drama
Baragona's Medieval Drama Page (Alan Baragona, Virginia Military Institute)
Bibliography for Medieval English Drama (Camelot Project, U. of Rochester)
Centre for Medieval Studies, U. Toronto (one of the largest Medieval Drama research centers in the Americas) (U.Toronto)
The Early Drama, Art, and Music Project (EDAM) (aims to "coordinate and sponsor research in early drama and to encourage interdisciplinary study that is directly or indirectly relevant to the theater;principal focus remains on iconography especially (but not exclusively) as it relates to drama and the theater, attention also given to other aspects of dramatic production and to music;bibliographic advice, check-lists and archival holdings, assistance to scholars in their research) (Medieval Institute, Western Michigan U.)
Medieval Drama Links (Sydney Higgins,Collector's Post)
Medieval English Biblical Plays (history, Middle English plays, teaching resources) (Gloria Betcher, Iowa State U.)
Poculi Ludique Societas (Medieval and Renaissance Players of Toronto, U. Toronto)
Records of Early English Drama (REED) (U.Toronto)
Religious, Political, Economic and Artistic Contexts For the York Corpus Christi Plays (Dennis G. Jerz, Seton Hill U.)
York Doomsday Project ("a multimedia research project exploring all aspects of the plays and their various social, intellectual, religious, and theatrical contexts; aims to present the surviving evidence around the original performance in a completely new way") (Meg Twycross and Pamela King)
York Pageant Simulator (PSim) (Seton Hill U.)
Primary Texts Medieval Drama
Medieval and Renaissance Drama Texts (Gerard NeCastro, U. Maine Machias)
Five Sixteenth-Century Latin Plays (modern English)(U. Toronto)
Le Corpus du Théâtre religieux français du Moyen Âge (The French Medieval Drama Database Project) (Jesse Hurlbut,Brigham Young U.)
Towneley Cycle (Gerard NeCastro, U. Maine Machias)
The Towneley Plays (U. Virginia Electronic Text Center)
York Cycle (Gerard NeCastro, U. Maine Machias)
York Play of the Crucifixion (U. Virginia Electronic Text Center)
The York Plays (U. Virginia Electronic Text Center)
The Production of Everyman (in English and Italian; text,commentary, photos, video clip)(The Miracle Players)
Everyman Study Questions (Rebecca Ann Wall,Winston Salem U.)
Class Notes on Early Drama in Brtain and Teaching Materials for Medieval English Drama (Gloria Betcher, Iowa State U.)
Resources for Theatre History and Early Music (carefully vetted and annotated library of links)(Records of Early English Drama,U. Toronto)
Medieval Drama Syllabus (Claire Sponsler, U.Iowa)
Medieval Drama Syllabus (Linda Marie Zaerr,Boise State U.)
Medieval Drama Syllabus (Regula Meyer Evitt, Colorado College)
Terms for Medieval Drama ("adapted from the Harcourt Anthology of Literature)(Anne Enenbach, U. Illinois Urbana)
York Minster (Official Site) 
Journals and Societies
WWW Links for Theatre History and Early Music (links to journals) (REED, U. Toronto)
Early English Theater (requires subscription)(REED, U. Toronto)
The Medieval and Renaissance Drama Society ("an academic association of scholars and other persons interested in medieval and Renaissance drama whose activities include organizing annual meetings, sponsoring long-range research projects, and publishing material of interest to the Society including Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama and its Medieval Supplement") (Iowa State U.)
Poculi Ludique Societas ("PLS sponsors production of early plays, from the beginnings of medieval drama to as late as the middle of the seventeenth century")(U. Toronto)
William Dunbar
Andrew Crumey William Dunbar (biography)
Priscilla Bawcutt (U. of Liverpool) William Dunbar (biography)
"Lament for the Makers" (U. Toronto)
The tretis of the twa mariit women and the wedo (Humanities Text Initiative, U. Michigan)
Everyman (Anniina Jokinen)
Gawain Poet
General Resources
Cotton Nero A.x Project (describes ongoing project to produce digital images of the manuscript BL Cotton Nero A.x) (Gen. Ed. Murray McGillivray, U. of Calgary)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (includes editions of the poem, translations, and links to secondary criticism) (Anniina Jokinen)
Texts (Middle English)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Tolkien and Gordon edition) (Humanities Text Initiative, U. Michigan)
Secondary Sources
Karen Arthur (U. of Toronto) The Game of Reading and Electronic Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 
R. Allen Shoaf (U. of FLorida) The Poem As Green Girdle: Commercium in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight  (entire text of Shoaf's work, as well as bibliography and a related essay)
Jessie L. Weston Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (pdf. file of Weston's translation) (In Parentheses Publications)
W.A. Neilson Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (pdf. file of Neilson's translation) (In Parentheses Publications)
Gerald of Wales
Giraldus Cambrensis or Gerald of Wales (extended introduction to Gerald,focusing on his travelogue in Wales, plus translated selections from Itinerarium Cambriae (Leonard James)
John Gower
John Gower Confessio Amantis or Tales of the Seven Deadly Sins (e-text of 1901 G.C. Macauley edition) (Online Medieval and Classical Library; Douglas B. Killings)
John Gower, Confessio Amantis (Electronic Text Center, U. Virginia Library)
Secondary Criticism
Robert Levine (Boston U.) "Gower as Gerontion: Oneiric Autobiography in the Confessio Amantis (1992)
General Resources
John Gower (biography and picture of tomb) (James Gower)
John Gower (biography entry in the Catholic Encyclopedia) (P.J. Lennox)
John Gower Society (homepage) (R.F. Yeager, u. of West Florida)
John Gower: Life, Work, and Times (images, bibliography, links to electronic texts, and biography) (Jonathan H. Hsy, U. of Pennsylvania)
John Gower (biography and bibliography)(L.D. Benson, Harvard U.)
The Harley Lyrics
The Harley Lyrics (e-text of lyrics, using the 1965 EETS edition by N.R. Ker and the 1948 G.L Brook edition) (Electronic Text Center, U. of Virginia)
The Harley Lyrics (Humanities Text Initiative, U. Michigan)
Wessex Parallel WebTexts (contents page, with links to e-texts of various Middle English lyrics and shorter poems, discussion of the lyrical practice, editing, and the Harley manuscript) (Bella Millet, U. of Southampton)
Robert Henryson
Robert Henryson (biography, links to primary and secondary texts) (STARN Project, U. of Glasgow)
The Testament of Cresseid (e-text of G. Gregory Smith edition) (Electronic Text Center, U. of Virginia)
The Minor Poems of Robert Henryson (e-texts of Smith's editions of Henryson's shorter works) (Electtronic Text Center, U. of Virginia)
The Poems of Robert Henryson (links to tetxs edited by Robert L. Kindrick) (TEAMS, Medieval Institute)
The Moral Fabillis of Esope the Phrygian (e-text of G. Gregory Smith edition) (Electronic Text Center, U. of Virginia)
Orpheus and Eurydice (e-text) (Electronic Text Center, U. of Virginia)
Thomas Hoccleve
Guide To Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Huntington Library (description of HM 111, a manuscript containing Hoccleve's works) (C.W. Dutschke and R.H. Rouse)
The Regiment of Princes (complete e-text, with notes and introduction, edited by Charles R. Blyth) (TEAMS, Medieval Institute)
Julian Of Norwich
Shewings or Revelations of Divine Love (Middle English standardized spelling)(U.Michigan)
Revelations of Divine Love (modern English)(Ethereal Christian Classics Library)
Julian of Norwich Website (Julia Bolton Holloway, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Julian of Norwich (Anniina Jokinen)
Margery Kempe
Texts and Scholarship
Maping Margery Kempe ("displays the parishes, images, chapels, and liturgical furnishings that form the material backdrop to The Book of Margery Kempe")(Sarah Stanbury and Virginia Raguin)
The Book of Margery Kempe (TEAMS online text; Middle English, standardized spelling)(Lynn Staley,ed.Medieval Institute W.Michigan U.)
Dean Lee Evans, "Margery Kempe: A Brief History of Her Life" 
Margery Kempe (Anniina Jokinen)
Margery Kempe--Introductory Lecture (designed for lower-division undergraduate lecture courses)(Lynn H. Nelson, U. Kansas)
Margery Kempe and Female Authority in the Middle Ages (Clare Kinney, U. Virginia)
William Langland
General Resources
Yearbook of Langland Studies (homepage for journal devoted to William Langland criticism)
William Langland (Langland biography and bibliography) (L.D. Benson, Harvard U.)
The William Langland Homepage (links to text, criticism, and images of Piers Plowman, along with socio-historical background) (Lawrence Warner, U. of Pennsylvania)
Piers Plowman Electronic Archive (description of The Piers Plowman Project (Hoyt Duggan, U. of Virginia)
William Langland (links to essays and articles, to texts of Piers Plowman, Langland biography, bibliography) (Anniina Jokinen)
Texts of Piers Plowman
William Langland The Vision of Piers Plowman: A Critical Edition of the B-Text Based on Trinity College Cambridge MS B.15.17, with Selected Variant Readings (A.V.S. Schmidt, ed.; 1978) (Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, U. of Michigan)
Langland, William Passus 5 of Piers Plowman (hypertext version of Passus 5) (Amy Brittain, Virginia Tech U.)
Secondary Criticism
Martyn J. Miller (Temple U.) Meed, Mercede, and Mercy: Langland's Grammatical Metaphor and Its Relation to Piers Plowman as a Whole (essay; 1994)
Murray J. Evans (U. of Winnipeg) Piers Plowman and the Sublime (1997)
R. James Goldstein (U. of Auburn) "Why calle ye hym crist, siþen Iewes called hym Iesus?": The Disavowal of Jewish Identification in Piers Plowman B Text (essay in Exemplaria, 2001)
Bryan P. Davis (Georgia Southwestern State U.) Beating the Bounds Between Church and State: Official Documents in the Literary Imagination (1997)
Michael D.C. Drout (Wheaton C., Holland, MA) Piers's Good Will: Langland's Politics of Reform and Inheritance in the C-Text (1997)
Lawrence Warner (U. of Pennsylvania) Jesus the Jouster: The Christ-Knight and Medieval Theories of Atonement in Piers Plowman and the "Round Table" Sermons (1996)
Layamon [aka Lawman] (also see Layamon entry in Arthurian Studies section)
Brut (MS Cotton Caligula) (e-text of G.L. Brook and R.F. Leslie's EETS edition of the Cotton Caligula A.ix text) (Electronic Text Center, U. of Virginia)
Brut (Cotton Otho) (e-text of G.L. Brook and R.F. Leslie's EETS edition of the Cotton Otho C.xiii text) (Electronic Text Center, U. of Virginia)
John Lydgate
The Canon of John Lydgate Page (Stephen R. Reimer, U. Alberta)
Claire Sponslor (U. of Iowa) John Lydgate (biography on
Michael Ullyot (U. of Toronto) The Troy Book as Deviation from Tradition (discussion of Lydgate's text in comparison with other Trojan myths; part of Ullyot's "Verticals of Troy" site)
Thomas Malory
General Resources
Sir Thomas Malory Society (links to historical information and "A Ful Noble Knyght" newsletter (Marc Ricciardi and Marc Burgess)
William Caxton Preface to Morte Darthur (Norton Anthology of English Literature)
Sir Thomas Malory (Anniina Jokinen)
Secondary Criticism
E. Kay Harris (U. of Southern Mississippi) "Evidence Against Lancelot and Guinevere in Malory's Morete Darthur: Treason by Imagination (essay)
Fritscher, John J. When Malory Met Arthur: Sex and Magic in King Arthur's Camelot (dissertation from Loyola U. in its entirety) (1967)
Marie de France
The Lais of Marie de France  (a verse translation in Modern English; Judith P. Shoaf, ed.)(U.Florida)
The Lais Online (link library)(International Marie de France Society)
Les Lais de Marie de France (Francais)(U. Mantobia)
The International Marie de France Society ("the mission of the Society is to establish friendly and productive exchanges between faculty, independent scholars, or students")(Founded by Chantal A. Maréchal,Virginia Commonwealth University)
Laurence Minot
The Poems of Laurence Minot (texts, introductions and notes of Minot's works, edited by Richard H. Osberg) (TEAMS, Medieval Institute)
Mum and the Sothsegger (edition of text by James Dean) (TEAMS texts, Medieval Institute)
The Ormulum Project ("production of a new text edition, presenting the entire text of the Ormulum, including changes and revisions, as contained in Bodleian Library, MS. Junius 1") (Nils-Lennart Johannesson,U. Science and Technology)
The Owl and the Nightingale (e-text of J.W.H. Atkins's 1922 edition of the Jes. Col., Oxford MS 29 text) (Electronic Text Center, U. of Virginia)
Pater Noster: The Lord's Prayer (collection of translations and adaptations of the Lord's Prayer in English, from Old English to the present) (Catherine N. Ball, Georgetown U.)
Robert Levine (Boston U.) The Pearl‑child: Topos and Archetype in the Middle English Pearl (1977)
Pearl (Humanities Text Initiative, U. Michigan)
Pre-1600 English Ballads
The History of Reynard the Fox (intro and link to 2 versions of William Caxton's 1481 translation, as edited by Henry Morley)(David Badke)
Robin Hood: The Early Poems (introductions and texts) (Thomas H. Ohlgren (Purdue U.)
Robert de Boron (The Prose Merlin; includes Robert's work as well as the anonymous sequel)(TEAMS/Camelot Project)
Richard Rolle
Incendium Amoris (e-text, with extensive notes, edited by Margaret Deanesley, 1915) (Christian Classics Ethereal Library)
The Lyrics of Richard Rolle, Hermit of Hampole (e-texts of numerous lyrics, with extensive notes) (Michael Fleming)
Richard Rolle of Hampole (bibliography) (Medieval
Richard Rolle Page (e-texts, images, and bibliography) (David Salomon, Black Hills State U., Spearfish, SD)
"The Ruin" (hypertext of poem includes translation into modern English)
Sir Beues of Hamtoun (edition of Auchinleck MS text) (National Library of Scotland)
The Siege of Jerusalem (e-text of Kolbing and Day's 1932 EETS edition) Electronic Text Center, U. of Virginia)
The Simonie (edition of Auchinleck MS text) (National Library of Scotland)
Sir Degare (edition of Auchinleck MS text) (National Library of Scotland)
Sir Orfeo (edition of Auchinleck MS text) (National Library of Scotland)
The Song of Roland (Online Medieval and Classical Library)
Thomas Usk
The Testament of Love (full e-text, with introduction and notes, edited by R. Allen Shoaf, U. of Florida) (TEAMS, Medieval Institute)
Virgil in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance: An Online Bibliography (David Wilson-Okamura)
Wulfstan (writing as "Lupus"), The Electronic Sermo Lupi ad Anglos (Sermon of the Wolf) ("This edition allows you to point-and-click your way to a better understanding of one of the most important and powerful sermons of the Anglo-Saxon world . . . composed by Wulfstan, Bishop of York and Archbishop of Worcester, in approximatel
Cultural and Historical Contexts
General Resources
Bibliography of Late Antiquity for Students 
Religious, Political, Economic and Artistic Contexts For the York Corpus Christi Plays (Dennis G. Jerz, Seton Hill U.)
Exploring Ancient World Cultures: Medieval Europe (Anthony F. Beavers, U. Evansville)
Michelle Ziegler Early Medieval Resources ("This page is devoted to the study of the Early Medieval Britain, Ireland, and Brittany, defined here as the period from the end of Roman Britain c400 to the first Viking attack on Britain in 793 AD.")
Fifteenth-Century Life: An Annotated Bibliography (list arranged by topics) (Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies)
U. Kansas Resources for Medieval Study (arranged to let the user choose between topical or geographic rubrics)
Medieval Cultural Studies: A Basic Reading List (Martin Irvine, Georgetown U., and Michael Uebel, U. Virginia)
Internet Medieval Sourcebook (extensive medieval cultural resource site with broad and deep coverage)(Paul Halsall; Fordham U.)
The Medieval World (extensive bank of links; includes timelines, maps,texts)(
Montclair Medieval Literature and History Page (links to numerous sites for primary and secondary texts) (Grover Furr, Montclair State U., NJ)
NetSerf (very large well-developed site; categories include architecture, science, women, law, music, art,etc.)(Catholic U. of America)
United Kingdom--Early History (primary documents from Antiquity through 1065)
Worlds of Late Antiquity 
Medieval Heresy Chart (
Marginality and Community in Medieval Europe ("The groups which informed our study include: Heretics, Jews, Homosexuals, Prostitutes, Lepers, and Witches.In general we discovered that the above listed groups displayed evidence of precarious positioning with regard to indications of status")(Kenyon College)
Durham Cathedral (virtual tour with text and photos)
Doctrine & Practice of the Medieval Church (bibliography)(Medieval
Medieval Site Map (site consists primarily of bibliographies)
England Before the Reformation (a history of the Medieval Catholic Church from a modern Catholic perspective)(The Catholic Encyclopedia)
The Devotio Moderna and the Imitation of Christ 
St. Francis of Assisi ("This page contains links to URLs about St. Francis of Assisi on the Internet, and is updated regularly")( The Franciscan
Heretics (collaborative student project)(Kenyon College)
History of the Medieval Church (from a Catholic perspective; includes teaching materials)
Lindisfarne Gospels ("turn the pages" virtual exhibit) (British Library)
Lollard Society HomePage 
Medieval Churches and Monasteries in England 
Pre-Reformation Movements (online course; from a modern Protestant perspective)
Saint's Lives (texts, commentary, links)(ORB/Internet Medieval Sourcebook; Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Saints and Martyrs (NetSERF)
The Great Schism (Western Schism) (Catholic Encyclopedia)
Religion and Society in the Medieval West (course syllabus with bibliography)(Rachel Fulton, U. Chicago)
Cultural Practices
(Michael Adams aka Morgoth) Feudal Terms of England 
The Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture in Britain and Ireland "searchable, digital archive of British and Irish Romanesque stone sculpture"
Courtship and Marriage
(James Marshall) Rules of Chivalry and Courtly Love 
Medieval Love (student web project includes commentary, links, texts, images and bibliography)(Piper L. Bringhurst, Westminster College)
(David Simpson) Chivalry and Courtly Love (Depaul U.)
Backgrounds to Romance: Courtly Love (Deborah Schwartz, Calif. Polytechnic U.)
(Larry D. Benson) Courtly Love and Chivalry in the Later Middle Ages  (Harvard U.)
Courtly Love Page (Harvard U.)
Marriage and Sexuality in Medieval Europe (Course syllabus for Women's Studies/Religious Studies course; includes hyperlinks to readings and sources)(Paul Hyhams,Cornell U.)
Medieval and Renaissance Wedding Information (includes bibliographies of scholarly resources) (Kirsti S. Thomas, St. Martin's C.)
The College of Arms ("the official repository of the coats of arms and pedigrees of English, Welsh, Northern Irish and Commonwealth families and their descendants," with links to newsletter and outside sources) (College of Arms, UK)
British Heraldry (historical background to numerous heraldic topics, bibliography,links to sources for British heraldry) (François R. Vede,
The Heraldry Society of Scotland (homepage for Society, with links to numerous articles on cultural and historical background)
Horses and Medieval Culture: 600-1630 (International Museum of the Horse)
Leisure and Gaming
Toria Forsyth-Moser The Medieval Countryside of Herefordshire (integrates primary sources and images to discuss forests and hunting in medieval Herefordshire)
The Altered State: England, Literature, and the Pub ("looks at how inns, taverns, alehouses and pubs have appeared in literature from Chaucer to the present day") (Steven Earnshaw, Sheffield Hallam U., UK)
Medieval and Anglo-Saxon Recipes (recipes, in modern English, from The British Museum Cookbook (Michelle Berriedale-Johnson)
Music and Poetry
Listening to Medieval Music (U. of North Florida)
Terry V. F. Brogan, Metrici and Rhythmici: A Chronological List of Ancient and Medieval Theories of Meter, with Secondary Apparatus (Versification)
Gregorian Chant Home Page 
Society for Creative Anachronism: Minstrel Homepage ("songs, filk, story-telling, and juggling, . . . mostly Western Europe from the fall of Rome until 1600")
Science and Technology
Medieval Cosmology (Frank T. McAndrew, Knox College)
The Medieval Experimental Museum (a living history center that performs historically accurate reconstructions)(Medieval Centre, Denmark)
The Astrolabe (discussion of the technology involved, including a downloadable electronic astrolabe) (James E. Morrison)
Nicholas Whyte (Queen's U. of Belfast) Astronomy and Astrology in the 12th Century 
The Medieval Bestiary (homepage linking to e-texts, articles, descriptions of bestiary manuscripts, and to a massive bibliogrpahy on medieval animals) (David Badke)
Medieval Cosmology (includes illustration of Ptolemaic geocentric model)(Luminarium)
Medieval Science and Scientific Instruments (Richard A. Paselk, Humboldt U.)
The Medieval Science Page (numerous links, arranged by topic) (James McNelis)
The Medieval Technology Pages (arranged by subject) (Paul J. Gans, New York U.)
The Planets and Their Children: A Blockbook of Medieval Popular Astrology ("a hypermedia presentation of a blockbook or "Planetenbuch", in which I have attempted to make the 15th-century experience of reading a popular astrology text accessible to a modern, nonspecialist audience") (Marianne Hansen)
Mythical Plants of the Middle Ages from the Goodcookery site, based on the writings of Ernst & Johanna Lehner and William A. Emboden)
David Chart Starry Messenger ("Phase I of the Electronic History of Astronomy developed in the Whipple Museum of the History of Science and the Department of History and Philosophy of Science") (Sachiko Kusukawa and Liba Taub, Trinity College, Cambridge)
Historical Background
Anglo Saxon Chronicle (introduction) (Avalon Project, Yale Law School)
History of the United Kingdom:Primary Documents from Antiquity Through 1065 (EuroDocs, Brigham Young U.)
Early British Kingdoms Web Site  (covers early Celtic kingdoms from the time of the Romans to the 11th century, hosted by Britannia) (David Nash Ford)
Medieval History (extensive links and sources)(NetSERF)
Mapping Margery Kempe ("displays the parishes, images, chapels, and liturgical furnishings that form the material backdrop to The Book of Margery Kempe")(Sarah Stanbury and Virginia Raguin, College of the Holy Cross)
14th Century Outline (Michael Hanly, Washington State U.)
Richard III and Yorkist History Server (many full-text, pedagogical, and other resources that serve as a general introduction to the late medieval and Renaissance period; includes literary texts) (Richard III Society, American Branch)
Richard III Foundation, Inc. ("international non-profit, tax-exempt organization . . . specializ[ing] in the education and research of Richard III, his contemporaries and era")
Medieval English Towns (in-depth histories of certain English towns, plus extensive bibliography and links) (Stephen Alsford)
Legal and Political Contexts
Medieval Legal History (primary texts, lecture material, links, from the Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, U. of North Florida)
Documents in Law, History, and Diplomacy ("digital documents relevant to the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government") (Avalon Project at Yale Law School)
Laws of Alfred and Ine (The Parker Chronicle and Laws Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, MS. 173) (U. Virginia Labryrinth)
Magna Carta 1215 (Avalon Project, Yale Law School)
Magna Carta (index) (Avalon Project)
The Salic Law (Avalon Project, Yale Law School)
Verticals of Troy: A Study of Trojan Mythography in Medieval English Literature (especially relevant to Geoffrey of Monmouth and John Lydgate) (Michael Ullyot)
Manuscripts and Manuscript Study
General Resources
The Medieval Bestiary: Manuscripts (descriptions of manuscripts containing medieval bestiaries, along with some images) (David Badke)
The Age of Charles V (1000 illuminations from 14th-Century manuscripts) (Bibliothèque Nationale de France)
Bodleian Library, Illuminations from Manuscript Pages 
Centre for Manuscript and Print Studies (a "new research centre created from the merger of the Centre for Palaeography and the Research Centre in the History of the Book"; site has events info, links, and more) (Institute of English Studies, London)
Finales de libro: Exposición de colofones (images from exhibit on colophons, from ancient to modern, in Spanish) (U. Salmanaca)
Digital Scriptorium (searchable database of manuscript images) (U. of California, Berkeley and Columbia U.)
Early Manuscripts at Oxford ("digital facsimiles of complete manuscripts, scanned direct from the originals"; inncludes ancient papyri (from Herculaneum), Celtic manuscripts, and other medieval manuscripts) (Oxford U.)
Kevin S. Kiernan (U. Kentucky), "Digital Preservation, Restoration, and Dissemination of Medieval Manuscripts" 
Medieval Manuscripts on the Web (links to archives) (Siân Echard, U. of British Columbia)
Medieval English Literary Manuscripts (glossary of terminology key to manuscript studies, including a discussion of locating microfilm copies of mss, by Tom Hickman) (Rossell Hope Robbins Library, U. of Rochester)
Technology of the Word in the Middle Ages (manuscript images) (Jim O'Donnell, U. Penn)
Manuscript Studies
The Auchinleck Manuscript (description and history of the Auchinleck MS) (Alison Wiggins, National Library of Scotland)
Borgia Group of Unknown Provenience [sic] (manuscript information, images, and bibliography) (GB Online)
Scrolls from the Dead Sea: The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship (virtual exhibit, including historical background and images) (Library of Congress, Washington, DC)
Declaring Independence: Drafting the Documents (online exhibit, with articles and images) (Library of Congress, Washington, DC)
The Piers Plowman Electronic Archive (description of broad-based project to produce electronic reproductions of Piers texts) (Hoyt Duggan, U. of Virginia)
Libraries of Timbuktu: for the Preservation and Promotion of African Literary Heritage (images, articles, and program description) (Alida Jay Boye, U. of Oslo)
Ancient Manuscripts from the Desert Libraries of Timbuktu (virtual exhibit) (Library of Congress, Washington, DC)
Poet at Work: Recovered Notebooks from the Thomas Biggs Harned Walt Whitman Collection (virtual exhibit) (Library of Congress, Washington, DC)
Manuscript Reproductions and Exhibits
The Age of Charles V (1000 illuminations from 14th-Century manuscripts) (Bibliothèque Nationale de France)
Aberdeen Bestiary Project (Aberdeen Library, UK; digitized images of complete manuscript)
The Age of Charles V (1000 illuminations from 14th-Century manuscripts) (Bibliothèque Nationale de France)
The Book Of Kells
Book of Kells Images (
Book of Kells Images (Paul DuBois)
Dresden: Treasures from the Saxon State Library (virtual exhibit, on the manuscript and print collections, on later history, through the Romantic period) (Library of Congress, Washington, DC)
Leonoardo da Vinci: From inspiration to innovation  (virtual exhibit, with viewable reproductions of the Codex Arundel, a 16th-century manuscript, as well as background articles, and more; in the Treasures collection) (the British Library, London, UK)
A Leonardo da Vinci Notebook (Codex Arundel) (British Library exhibit)
Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry (Project ARTFL)
The Lindisfarne Gospels (images of the manuscript, and articles about background) (the British Library, London)
DScriptorium  (digital images of manuscript pages, as well as links to manuscript archives and special exhibitions) (Jesse D. Hurlbut, Brigham Young U.)
The Wanderer (reproduction of manuscript pages, plus edition and translation of poem) (Tim Romano)
Manuscript Archives
Bibliothèque nationale de France 
Biblioteca Nacional  (Madrid, Spain)
Bodleian Library (Oxford U.)
The British Library (Manuscripts collections homepage)
Cambridge University Library (Department of Manuscripts and University Archives)
The Archive of John Evelyn (e-texts of his diaries, within a virtual exhibition) (the British Library, London, UK)
Treasures from Two Millennia:Fifty Treasures from Glasgow University Library 
Hill Monastic Manuscript Library (Saint John's U.)
The Huntington Library 
Karpeles Manuscript Library (site for a museum with numerous holdings throughout the US, with images, links, and more) (The Karpeles Manuscript Library Museums)
The Library of Congress (Washington, DC)
The Library of Congress: Manuscript Reading Room (includes online exhibits, information about the library's services, and more) (LOC, Washington, DC)
World Treasures of the Library of Congress: Beginnings (online exhibit of "international collections"; various media are presented) (Library of Congress, Washington, DC)
Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts (National Library of the Netherlands)
The Pierpont Morgan Library 
The Schøyen Collection (Elizabeth Gano Sørenson, National Librayr of Norway)
The Thomas Jefferson Papers at the Library of Congress (virtual exhibit) (Library of Congress, Washington, DC)
Bruce Jones (U. California, San Diego) Manuscripts, Books, and Maps: The Printing Press and a Changing World (articles on the history of the book)
Mesoamerican Codices
Maya Codices (information, images, and bibliography) (GB Online)
Mixtec Codices (manuscript images, information, and bibliography) (GB Online)
Criticism (for specific criticism, see under individual authors)
Amy Goodloe, "My Lover, My God: The Role of Gender in the Mystical Theology of The Cloud of Unknowing" (
Amy Goodloe, "The Role of Gender in Medieval Models of Contemplation: Sawles Warde and the Cloud of Unknowing" (1992) (
Medieval Feminist Index - Scholarship on Women, Sexuality, and Gender (Margaret Schaus)
Cultural Frictions Conference Proceedings
Homepage for Cultural Frictions Conference Proceedings (Cultural Frictions Conference, Georgetown U.)
Kathleen Biddick (U. Notre Dame), "English-America: Curricular Masks/Imperial Phantasmatics"  
Glenn Burger (U. Alberta), "Queer Performativity and the Natural in Chaucer's Physician's and Pardoner's Tales"  
Robert L. A. Clark (Kansas State U.) & Claire Sponsler (U. Iowa), "Queer Play: The Cultural Work of Crossdressing in Medieval Drama" 
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen (George Washington U.)
"Medieval Masculinities" 
Leslie Dunton-Downer (Harvard U.), "The Horror of Culture" 
Andrew Galloway (Cornell U.), "Private Selves and the Intellectual Marketplace in Late 14th Century England: The Case of the Two Usks" 
Martin Irvine (Georgetown U.), "The Pen(is), Castration, and Subjectivity: Abelard's Negotiations of Gender" 
Gerhard Jaritz (Krems an der Donau/Budapest), "Everyday Life in the Middle Ages and Digital Image Analysis" ("research into the history of everyday life and of material culture have been starting to concentrate on the analysis of [patterns of] messages borne by images") (CHart)
Steven F. Kruger (Queens C., City U. of New York), "Medieval Christian (Dis)identifications: Muslims and Jews in Buibert of Nogent" 
Medieval Studies / Cultural Studies: Basic Reading List (Cultural Frictions Conference, Georgetown U.)
JoAnn Moran, "Homosexuality and the Romance of the Rose" 
D. Vance Smith & Michael Uebel (U. Virginia), "Leaving the Fold" (internet version currently unavailable)
Sarah Stanbury (C. of the Holy Cross, Massachusetts), "Visibility Politics in Chaucer's Knight's Tale" 
Robert Stein (New York SUC, Purchase), "Medieval, Modern, Post-Modern: The Middle Ages in a Post Modern Perspective" 
R. Allen Shoaf's Home Page (U. Florida)
Middle English Dictionary (Fascicle Q-Raiment [sample for demonstration only]) (Humanities Text Initiative, U. Michigan)
Modern English to Old English Dictionary (Bill Schipper)
Journals (Anglo-Saxon & Medieval Literature)
Arthuriana (subscription required)
The Medieval Review (Formerly Bryn Mawr Medieval Review) (subscription required)
Cahiers Elisabethains 
Early Modern Literary Studies 1500-1700 
Exemplaria: Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 
Marginalia (" a journal devoted to publishing primarily graduate work in the field of medieval English literature. The MRG will issue a call for papers sometime in late Michaelmas or early Lent Term") (Medieval Reading Group, Cambridge U.)
Medieval Forum (an electronic journal, hosted by San Francisco State U.) (George W. Tuma, San Francisco State U., and Dinah Hazell)
Medieval Feminist Newsletter (table of contents)
Speculum (available through JSTOR; institutional or individual subscription necessary)
Traditio (antiquity and the middle ages; includes comprehensive index and online version of the introductory essay to the 50th-anniversary volume)
Yearbook of Langland Studies 
Listservs & Newsgroups (Anglo-Saxon & Medieval Literature)
Medieval Academic Discussion Lists (Edwin Duncan, Towson U., Maryland
Medieval Listservs (from UPenn listserv index) (also see TILE.NET under General English Literature Resources above)
Medieval Studies Programs, Centers & Associations
The Medieval Association of the Pacific (MAP)
The Medieval Academy of America 
The Medieval Institue (Western Michigan U.)
The New Chaucer Society (Washington U., St. Louis)
Texas Medieval Association 
Programs, Centers
Fordham University Center for Medieval Studies 
U.California Santa Barbara Medieval Studies Program 
Medieval Studies at Cambridge 
Canterbury Centre for Medieval and Tudor Studies (U. Kent)
Cornell U. Cornucopia: Medieval Studies at Cornell (Graduate Program) 
Harvard U. Committee on Medieval Studies (Robert Eikel)
The Medieval Centre (living history museum)(Denmark)
Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship ("promotes the study of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance from the perspectives of gender studies, women's studies, and feminist studies")(U. Oregon)
List of Medieval Studies Programs (The Medieval Association of America's CARA project)(ACMRS U. Arizona)
U. California Los Angeles Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies 
U. Connecticut Medieval Studies 
U. York Centre or Medieval Studies 
Western Michigan U. Medieval Institute 
Anglo-Saxon & Medieval Pedagogy: Courses and Resources
(Diane Thompson, New York City College) Courtly Love Study Guide 
Edwin Duncan (Towson U., Maryland)
Chaucer (includes well-selected links to Chaucer resources)
Medieval British Literature 
Hwæt! Old English in Context (learn basic OE)
The Labyrinth: Pedagogical Resources (Deborah Everhart & Martin Irvine, Georgetown U)
(Paul Brians,Washington State U.Pullman) Medieval Lyric Poetry and Music-Lecture 
Medieval Literature-An Overview (Campus encyclopedia entry)
Eckehard Simon (Harvard U.), The Medieval Stage 
Ferenc Zemplényi, Central European U., Budapest What is Medieval Literature? 
Conferences (Anglo-Saxon & Medieval Studies)
Conference Calendar  (Medieval Academy of America; global, multi-disciplinary listing of medieval conferences)
Calls for Papers (U. Penn English Dept.)
International Conference on Medieval Studies (Medieval Institute, Western Michigan U. Kalamazoo)
International Medieval Congress Leeds (Institute of Medieval Studies, Leeds U.)
France & England in the Later Middle Ages (3-5 April 2005)(Center for Medieval Studies U. of York)
New England Medieval Conference 
New Directions 2: The Early Middle Ages Today (Medieval Studies, Harvard U.)
Midwest Medieval History Conference 
Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Arizona State U. Tempe)
Medieval Association of the Pacific 
Cultural Frictions Conference: Medieval Studies in Post-Modern Contexts (Web-mounted, interactive conference held at Georgetown U., Wash. D.C., Oct. 27-28, 1995; includes online versions of the papers)
Fonts For Display Of Old English
Downloadable Old English Fonts For Mac (A Few For Pc On The Georgetown Site)
Georgetown Old English Pages (a variety of downloadable fonts for web and wordprocessing applications)
The Junius Package (Peter S. Baker, U. Virginia)
Nero (Peter S. Baker, U. Virginia)
English Fonts (downloadable fonts) (Yamada Language Center)