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Artificial Intelligence / Life
AI On the Web (links to over 800 sites) (Stuart Russell, UC Berkeley)
Alan Turing Page 
Applied AI/AI in Education Technical Report Archive (Lancaster U.)
Artificial Life Online (International Society for Artificial Life) (MIT Press)
Artificial Intelligence Primer 
Artificial Life Bibliography of Publications (Ezequel Di Paolo, U. Sussex)
The Autonomous Agents Group (MIT Media Lab)
Luis Rocha (Indiana U.) Evolutionary Systems and Artificial Life (2004) (course)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 
Laboratory for the Culture of the Artificial (research, theory, and links relating to artificial intelligence/life) (U. Urbino, Italy)
Marvin Minsky Page (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (previously MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab)
The Turing Test Homepage ("contains all the information that we could find concerning the so called 'Turing Test' ") (Ayse Pinar Saygin)
Complexity Studies
Complexity Related Links (Bruce Edmonds, Manchester Metropolitan University)
Complexity Digest ("weekly news digest from the field of complexity studies")
Complexity International (journal on artificial life, cellular automata, chaos theory, fractals, neural networks, parallel processing, and other systems of complex behavior from the interaction of multiple parallel processes)
Michael Dillon (U. Lancaster) "From Science to Poetics: Poststructuralism versus Complexity Science" (1999) 
Channels: Nanotechnology (Nanotech coverage in Scientific American)
Fourth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology (Nov. 9-11, 1995, Palo Alto, CA) (Ralph C. Merkle, Xerox PARC)
Institute for Molecular Manufacturing Palo Alto, CA)
Nanofabrication Facility at UC Santa Barbara 
Nanotechnology Page (Ralph C. Merkle, Xerox PARC)
Nanotechnology Now ("your gateway to everything nanotech"
Australian Telerobotics (Ken Taylor, Robotics and Automation Lab)
Interfacing Reality
Homepage of Interfacing Reality (tele-embodiment projects) (Eric Paulos, John Canny, U. California, Berkeley)
PRoP: Personal Roving Presence (control a moving blimp with a camera)
Eduardo Kac
Ornitorrinco in Eden: A Networked Telepresence Installation realized on the Internet on Oct. 23, 1994 
Ornitorrinco and Rara Avis: Telepresence Art on the Internet (critical essay)
Ken Goldberg (roboticist and "telepresence" artist, USC)
The Robot Group ("To promote excellence and innovation in the integration of advanced technology with the arts . . . To provide a forum for interaction between artists and technologists . . .")
Robotics FAQ (Kevin Downing, Carnegie Mellon U.)
Robotics Institute (Carnegie Mellon U.)
Robotics Related Sites (U. California, Berkeley) ("robot news and robotics info")
Robot Wars (the high-tech demolition derby event)
Survival Research Laboratories ("creative technicians dedicated to redirecting the techniques, tools, and tenets of industry, science, and the military away from their typical manifestations")
The Tele-Garden (new experiment in telepresence from the creator of the Robot Tele-Excavation Project: use a robot arm to plant seeds in a garden and watch them grow. Note: you must return regularly to water your plant or it will die) (Ken Goldberg, USC)
UC Berkeley Robotics and Intelligent Machines Laboratory