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General Resources
Paul Brians (Washington State U.) The Lais of Marie de France Study Guide 
Dorothy Disse Marie de France (includes a comprehensive set of links to primary and secondary sources, excerpts in translation, and annotated bibliography, as part of the Other Women's Voices site)
International Marie de France Society (Chantal A. Maréchal, Virginia Commonwealth U.)
Marie de France Les Lais de Marie de France (e-texts of all Marie's lais in Old French) (U. of Manitoba)
Marie de France The Lays of Marie de France: A Verse Translation (Judy Shoaf, U. of Florida)
Romances from the Lays of Marie de France (e-text of Eugene Mason's 1911 introduction and translations) (Project Gutenberg EBook)
Secondary Criticism
Kinoshita, Sharon (U. California, Santa Cruz) Adultery and Kingship in Marie de France's Equitan