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 •  Video excerpts
Atlanta Ballet's Nutcracker: The History of The Nutcracker (Atlanta Ballet)
The Nutcracker  (Ballet Met Notes)
Ballet Reference: The Nutcracker Production Notes (English National Ballet)
Alexandre Benois' The Nutcracker  (Butler U.)
Patricia Boccadoro, "The Nutcracker: Nureyev Production Still The Best" (2001) (Culture Kiosque)
"The Enduring Spirit of the Nutcracker: How the Russian Ballet Became a Christmas Tradition in America"  (National Public Radio)
Footnotes: The Nutcracker (synopsis and quotes)
The Nutcracker from The Royal Ballet (multimedia companion to the television presentation) (
SPM/Dance Prism: The Nutcracker (program notes) (Symphony Pro Musica)
Video excerpts
Arabian variation, Act II (Joffrey Ballet) (real player) (Kennedy Center)
Bolshoi Ballet performs The Nutcracker (also see part two) (real player) (Kennedy Center)
The Nutcracker Trailer (Gelsey Kirkland, Mikhail Baryshnikov) (real player) (
The Nutcracker: Ballet by John Neumeier (synopsis, real player and quicktime excerpt) (Hamburg Ballet)
Sugar Plum Fairy's Coda, Act II (Sofiane Sylve, Dutch National Ballet) (second half of quicktime excerpt) (