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 •  COLLAB-l: CyberWars
 •  Mary Flanagan (Concordia U.)
 •  Michael Heim
 •  Steven Shaviro (U. Washington)
 •  Sherry Turkle (Mit)
Kairosnews: A News Site and Online Community for Discussing Rhetoric, Technology and Pedagogy Contains editor and reader submitted links to news and online resources, an annotated bibliography and forums and comment boards.
Course List:- Cyberculture (extensive set of links to syllabis and course pages ) (Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies; David Silver, U. Washington)
Robert N. Barger (U. Notre Dame), Computer Ethics (course)
Colin J. Bennett (U. of Victoria, BC), Politics of Information ("focuses on the Internet as a site for political and social conflict. Beginning with various political theories of technology, we then investigate the development of the Internet, and some political controversies surrounding the balance between individual freedoms (especially privacy and free speech) and social control")
Daniel Chandler & Ewan Sutherland, The Information Society (course)
Jay Clayton (Vanderbilt U.), Postmodernism and the Culture of Cyberspace (course)
COLLAB-l: CyberWars Two seminars being offered at two different geographical sites.
Cynthia A. Haynes (U. Texas, Dallas), Baudrillard and the Problem of Simulation/Mimesis (course)
Victor J. Vitanza (U. Texas, Arlington), Baudrillard and the Problem of Simulation (course)
Courses about the Internet and Cyberculture (links gathered by Meng Weng Wong, U. Penn)
Courses in Cyberculture (Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies)
Lorrie Cranor (Washington U. in St. Louis), Computers and Society (course)
Fergus Duniho (U. Rochester), Computer Ethics (course)
Ethics and Law on the Electronic Frontier (course devoted to an in-depth treatment of Internet privacy) (Hal Abelson et al, MIT) (Spring 2001)
Mary Flanagan (Concordia U.)
Cybertheory and Technoculture (course)
Gender and Technology (course)
Anne Friedburg (U. Calif., Irvine), Visual Culture and New Technology (course)
Radhika Gajjala (Bowling Green State U., Ohio), Communication, Technoscience and Cyberculture (course)
Susan Garfinkel (U. Penn), Interpreting Cyberspace (course)
Katherine L. Heenan (Arizona State U.), Writing (in) Cyberspace (course structured around the following issues: "Surfing the Net," "Virtual Communities," Cyberdemocracy & The Global Village, CyberSexual Politics, "The Virtual Panopticon: An Orwellian Future?," "Slackers, Hackers & Cyberbodies, Cyborgs & Cyberpunks," "Hype and Hypertext: Redefining Text," and Learning & Working Online; includes many useful resources and links)
Katherine Heenan (Arizona State U.) Writing in Cyberspace: Hyperreadings Packet (course)
Michael Heim
Homepage of Michael Heim's Courses 
Deep Cyberspace (course)
Metaphysics of VR (course)
Martin Irvine (Georgetown U.), Technoculture from Frankenstein to Cyberpunk (course)
David King, Cyberspace/Internet Law Courses (a set of links to courses on cyber law originally created as a course resource)
Matthew Kirschenbaum (U. Maryland) "Computer and Text" (2004) (course)
Peter Kollock (UCLA), The Sociology of Cyberspace (course)
Lev Manovich (U. California, San Diego) "Theories of New Media" (2002) (course)
Sidney Matrix (U. of Minnesota), Technofeminism and Cyberculture (Courseweb, June 2000) ("Courseweb featuring syllabus and examples of student writing from Women's Studies Dept. University of Minnesota. Topics of course included: cyborgs, genomics, bioinformatics, cyberpunk, cyberfeminism, virtual gender, Haraway, The Matrix, Blade Runner, Neuromancer, GATTACA, VNS Matrix, etc. Instructor: sidney eve matrix. June 2000.")
John McCann and John Gallagher (Duke U.), Marketing & the Internet (course)
Mark Poster (U. California, Irvine), The Internet (course)
David Rodowick (Cornell U.), Digital Culture (course)
Leonardo Salamini and Jim Brazell (Bradley U.), The Sociology of Cyberspace (course)
Steven Shaviro (U. Washington)
Electronic Culture (course on technology and mass culture)
Sherry Turkle (Mit)
Constructions and Reconstructions of Self in Virtual Reality (course)
Foucault and Power Rangers (course)
Gender, Technology, and Computer Culture (course)
Identity and the Internet (course)
Psychology and Technology (course)
Systems and the Self (course)
Michael Uebel (U. Kentucky), Technoculture: Cyberspace and the New Media (course)
Gregory Ulmer (U Florida, Gainesville), Electronic Culture (course)
John Unsworth (UVA), Engineering the Self in the Late 20th Century (course)
John Waiblinger (U. Southern California), Diversity, Style, and Identity on the World-Wide-Web (course)
John Waiblinger and Ruth Wallach (U. Southern California), Gender, Identity, and the Information Superhighway: Feminist & Queer Visibility on the Net (course)