Betsy Ross Flag - Network Design

Protocols of Liberty: Communication, Innovation, and teh American Revolution [Book Banner from Title Page Image] Betsy Ross Flag - Network Design
William Warner [Author Name]
The University of Chicago Press [Publisher Name]
Overview [Link]
Introduction [Link]
Chapter 1 [Link]
Chapter 2 [Link]
Chapter 3 [Link]
Chapter 4 [Link]
Chapter 5 [Link]
Chapter 6 [Link]
Conclusion [Link]

Circular Broadsides & Pamphlets Published and Distributed by the
Boston Committee of Correspondence, 1772-1775

LINKS: Broadcasting -- Broadsides of the Boston Committee-- the King's Word -- Communications of the First Congress -- Declaration of 1776

LINKS: Genre -- Votes -- Petitions -- News Broadsides -- Declarations -- the Declaration of 1776

The Votes and Proceedings acquired much of its significance from its position as the first, province-wide communication of the Boston Committee of Correspondence. Over the next two and a half years of the American Crisis, the Boston Committee availded itself of communication by pamphlet or broadside at least a dozen times. These formats had certain advantages over the more routine communication by newspaper. Broadsides and pamplets could be printed as soon as manuscript copy was ready without regard to the weekly schedule of the newspapers; as documents composed to have a single clear focus, they could avoid the distraction of being printed along side competing political and commercial messages; and finally, because the Boston committee controlled their distribution, they could be targeted to audiences in remote parts of the province, or entirely outside of the province, who could not reliably reached by the local Boston newspapers. These documents broadcast the Boston Whig political perspective at each phase of the imperial crisis.
 1 20 November 1773 The Votes and Proceedings of the Town of Boston

30 March 1773

“Vindication” of the Town’s Committee of Correspondence from “gross Misrepresentations by the Governor.”

9 April 1773

Letter for a Gentleman of Distinction in Virginia with the Resolves of the Virginia House of Burgesses proposing committees of the assemblies for regular inter-colonial communication

23 June 1773

Cover letter with the pamphlet documenting scandalous, “Copies of Letters Sent to Great Britain by His Excellency Governor Thomas Hutchinson, etc….”

19 November 1773 (but dated 21 September) “Gentlemen, the State of Public Affairs undoubtedly still demands the greatest Wisdom, Vigilance and Fortitude.”

23 November 1773

Letter from Boston and four towns in its vicinity regarding the East Indian Tea

1 December 1773

(Sent with no. 6) Cover letter with a 15 page pamphlet, including records of the 5 and 18 November town meetings, and the Boston “Meeting of the People” (of Boston and neighboring towns) of Monday 29-30 November

12 May 1774

“An Act has been passed by the British Parliament for blocking up the Harbor of Boston.”

[Date Missing] June 1774

A form so each town may join a Solemn League and Covenant: “We the Subscribers, inhabitants of the town of ____” agree immediately “[to] suspend all commercial intercourse with Great Britain”

26 July 1774

Letter from the Boston town meeting to the other towns of Massachusetts: expressing that, “yet undaunted” under “double oppression” of blockage and military occupation, we express gratitude for the material support from the towns.

21 Sept 1774

Boston and 12 adjacent towns condemn General Gage’s occupation of Boston and pledge not to provide the British army with any useful supplies; anyone doing so “shall be held in the highest detestation, be deemed the most inveterate enemies of this people, and ought to be prevented, opposed and defeated by all reasonable means whatever.”

20 Jan 1775

THE KING’S SPEECH to Parliament on 12 Dec 1774: “It gives me much concern…to inform you that a most daring spirit of resistance, and disobedience to law, still prevails in the Massachusetts Bay”; with responses of the Lords and Commons.

25 Feb 1775

The committees of correspondence and inspection of Boston and seven neighboring towns recommend these various measures to strengthen the blockage of military supplies that are intended for General Gage’s army.
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