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 •  General Theory Resources
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 •  Enlightenment & Romantic
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 •  Early To Mid 20th Century
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 •  Literary Theory Journals & Zines
 •  Literary Theory Listservs & Newsgroups
 •  Course Syllabi
 •  Literary Theory Conferences & Calls for Papers
General Theory Resources (See Also Theory)
ArtsandCulture: Theory (
Barbara Christian: "The Race for Theory" (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder) For Philosophy Resources on the Internet (Thomas Ryan Stone)
FrontList Books: Scholarly Books on the Web (online bookstore offering "scholarly and literary titles to readers with decidedly theoretical interests;" emphasis on recently published and soon to be published titles from over 175 publishers in "literary, feminist, queer, and pos
German at Cornell: Authors on the WWW (Margit Grieb and Don Wilder, Cornell U.)
A Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples (U. Kentucky, Lexington)
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (James Fieser and Bradley Dowden, U. Tennessee, Martin)
Introduction to Modern Literary Theory ("succinct explanations, key figures, bibliographies,and suggested websites for major literary/cultural theories") (Kristi Siegel, Mount Mary C.)
Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism (online, hypertext version of the print volume edited by Michael Groden and Martin Kreiswirth; full-text access and advanced search engine; Note: As of Oct. 1997, this resource is available to paying subscribers only)
Mary Klages (U. Colorado, Boulder), Modern Critical Thought (course site that includes lecture notes on major theoretical movements and authors)
Links to Lecture Notes (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Literary Theory: A Literary Theory Project in the Dept. of English, Rice U. (currently centered on Lyotard's Just Gaming and performance theory)
The Notebook for Contemporary Continental Philosophy (Scott H. Moore, Baylor U.)
On-Line Literary Resources: Theory (Jack Lynch, Rutgers U.)
Peter Krapp's Theory Site (resources on theory, with a particularly strong suite of pages devoted to the tradition of deconstructive theorists) (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Philosophy Pages
Homepage for Philosophy Pages (Garth Kemerling)
A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names (Garth Kemerling, Philosophy Pages)
History of Western Philosophy (Garth Kemerling, Philosophy Pages)
Logic (Garth Kemerling, Philosophy Pages)
Major Figures in Western Philosophy (Garth Kemerling, Philosophy Pages)
Philosophy Study Guide (Garth Kemerling, Philosophy Pages)
A Timeline of Western Philosophers (Garth Kemerling, Philosophy Pages)
Links to Other Philosophy Sites (Garth Kemerling, Philosophy Pages)
Philosophy -- Table of Contents (Bob Corbett, Webster U.)
Philosophy Research Base 
Responses to the Holocaust: A Hypermedia Sourcebook for the Humanities
Homepage (rich, sophisticated introduction to "the various discourses, disciplines, media and institutions that have produced significant critical and theoretical positions and discussions concerning the Nazi Genocide of the Jews of Europe, 1933-45"
Literary Criticism and Theory 
Rhetorical and Cultural Studies: Critical Theory (Department of Communication Studies, U. Iowa)
Society for Critical Exchange ("North America's only academic society devoted to Literary Theory")
SWIRL: Theory at Southern Oregon U. -- Your Guide to Post-Millennial Paradigms
Homepage (Warren Hedges, Southern Oregon U.)
Selected Resources:  
The Big Issues 
Theoretical Paradigms 
Timeline of Major Critical Theories in the U.S. 
Theory, Culture & Society Centre (Nottingham Trent U., UK) ("Social theory for fans of popular culture. Popular Culture for fans of social theory.") (David Gauntlett, Bournemouth Media School) UK Trading Cards (David Gauntlett, Bournemouth Media School)
U. Penn ÉCLAT: The Essential Comparative Literature And Theory Site 
The Window: Philosophy on the Internet (Chris Marvin and Frank Sikernitsky, Trinity C.)
Writing on the Body (Paul Quigley, John Pruitt, and Christina Parsons, Ohio U.)
Categories (Internet Classics Archive)
Metaphysics (Internet Classics Archive)
Nicomachean Ethics (Internet Classics Archive)
On Dreams (Internet Classics Archive)
On Generation and Corruption (Internet Classics Archive)
On Interpretation (Internet Classics Archive)
On Memory and Reminiscence (Internet Classics Archive)
On The Motion of Animals (Internet Classics Archive)
On The Soul (Internet Classics Archive)
Physics (Internet Classics Archive)
Poetics (Internet Classics Archive)
Politics (Internet Classics Archive)
Posterior Analytics (Internet Classics Archive)
Prior Analytics (Internet Classics Archive)
Rhetoric (Internet Classics Archive)
Topics (Internet Classics Archive)
Apology (Internet Classics Archive)
Charmides, Or Temperance (Internet Classics Archive)
Cratylus (Internet Classics Archive)
Critias (Internet Classics Archive)
Crito (Internet Classics Archive)
Euthydemus (Internet Classics Archive)
Euthyphro (Internet Classics Archive)
Gorgias (Internet Classics Archive)
Ion (Internet Classics Archive)
Laches Or Courage (Internet Classics Archive)
Laws (Internet Classics Archive)
Lysis, Or Friendship (Internet Classics Archive)
Meno (Internet Classics Archive)
Parmenides (Internet Classics Archive)
Phaedo (Internet Classics Archive)
Phaedrus (Internet Classics Archive)
Philebus (Internet Classics Archive)
Protagoras (Internet Classics Archive)
The Republic (Internet Classics Archive)
The Seventh Letter (Internet Classics Archive)
Sophist (Internet Classics Archive)
Sophist (trans. Benjamin Jowett; hypertext version)
Statesman (Internet Classics Archive)
Symposium (Internet Classics Archive)
Theaetetus (Internet Classics Archive)
Timaeus (Internet Classics Archive)
Enlightenment & Romantic
Immanuel Kant
General Resources Immanuel Kant Page 
Kant (biography, links to online texts, links to related Web pages) (Bjorn Christensson)
KANT-L Discussion Group (gopher front end to archives)
Kant on the Web (Steve Palmquist, Hong Kong Baptist U.)
"Philosophy of Immanuel Kant" (article from The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913()
"An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?" (1784) (Michael Gamer, U. Penn.)
Critique of Pure Reason  (trans. Normal Kemp Smith) (Steve Palmquist, Hong Kong Baptist U.)
Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch (Vincent Ferraro, Mount Holyoke C.)
Prologomena to Any Future Metaphysics (James Fieser / Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Nineteenth Century
Søren Kierkegaard
Friedrich Nietzsche
Early To Mid 20th Century
Major Movements
Perpetual Dada Surrealism
Simone De Beauvoir
Albert Camus
The Realm of Existentialism (info on existentialism and phenomenology, with links to pages on many philosophers) (Katharena Eiermann)
Jean-Paul Sartre
Futurism Menu (Joe De Marco)
Balilla Pratella, Manifesto of Futurist Muslclans 1910 
Marxist, Communist, Frankfurt School, & Later-Marxist Critique (Note: Marxist Or Marx-Influenced Theorists Who Have Also Had A More Broadly Or Less-Strictly Marxist Cultural-Critical Reception Are Included Above Under Cultural-Studies
General Resources
Frankfurt School
Later-Marxist Critique
New Criticism
Cleanth Brooks
Formalism (SWIRL)
The New Criticism (David Arnason, U. Manitoba)
Richard Ohmann, English in America: A Radical View of the Profession (1976) (excerpt) (excerpt on the New Criticism at the moment of the so-called "end of ideology" in mid-20th-century U.S. intellectual culture; "Our dogma is academic freedom, which in practice means that you can think and write what you like, but as y
John Crowe Ransom
Robert Penn Warren
Background Materials: Formalist and Structuralist Ideas (notes on critical theory developed for instructional use) (David Arnason, U. Manitoba)
Roland Barthes
Roman Jakobson
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Ferdinand De Saussure
Some Elements of Structuralism and its Application to Literary Theory (John Lye, Brock U.)
Structuralism (SWIRL)
Structuralism/Deconstruction (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Summary of Gerard Genette, "Structuralism and Literary Criticism" (John Lye, Brock U.)
Acephalic (site on "the 'other' surrealists [non-Bretonian, including Acéphale, Masson, Klossowski, Desnos, etc.]")
André Breton, "What is Surrealism?" 
Perpetual Dada Surrealism
Surrealism Server
The Surrealist Compliment Generator 
Irving Babbitt
"The Choice We Must Face: Democracy and Imperialism, Or Democracy and Standards?" (article adapted from chapters in Babbitt's Democracy and Leadership, 1924) (National Humanities Institute)
Irving Babbitt Project (National Humanities Institute)
"Matthew Arnold" (1917) (National Humanities Institute)
Michael A. Weinstein, "Irving Babbitt and Postmodernity: Amplitude and Intensity" (1992) (Humanitas Journal)
Mikhail Bakhtin
Bailiwick - U. of Iowa Libraries Bakhtin Bibiography (a bibliography of books, essays, and research by and about Bakhtin)(U. of Iowa)
Bakhtin Centre (Univ. of Sheffield)
Russell A. Hunt (St. Thomas U.), (Essays On Reading And Pedagogy Related To Bakhtinian Thought):
"Literacy as Dialogic Involvement: Methodological Implications for the Empirical Study of Literary Reading" (1996) 
"Texts, Textoids, and Utterances: Writing and Reading for Meaning, In and Out of Classrooms" (1993) 
"Traffic in Genres, In Classrooms and Out" (1994) 
Vadim Linetski (Hebrew U., Jerusalem), Bakhtin Laid Bare, or The Discourse of Innocence (Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center)
Mikhail Bakhtin (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Georges Bataille
Bataille List:Archives (U. Virginia)
Georges Bataille Page (Ashley Whitney, U. Minnesota)
Walter Benjamin
General Resources on Walter Benjamin
Walter Benjamin Research Syndicate ("This site maintains a collection of resource information on some of Benjamin's writings, as well as current essays about Benjamin, his work, and the work of some of his close contemporaries. Our focus has been on those writings and projects too-often excluded from academic Benjamin scholarship.")
Benjamin Resources (Notebook for Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
"On the Concept of History" (or "Theses on the Philosophy of History") (Lloyd Spencer, Trinity and All Saints C., UK)
"The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" 
"The Writer's Technique in Thirteen Theses" (excerpts from Walter Benjamin's One-Way Street) (Rita Raley, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Secondary Literature
Carina Yervasi "Pre/Sub/Urban Sprawl: The 19th Century Parisian Passage as 'Failed' Urban Mall" (Speed) 
Cleanth Brooks
Community, Religion, and Literature, Essays (publisher's description)
Maureen Corcoran, "Criticism Versus Scholarhip: The Cleanth Brooks and Douglas Bush Debate" (1996) (graduate-student essay from Illinois State U. course)
Kenneth Burke
Scott McLemee, "A Puzzling Figure in Literary Criticism Is Suddenly Central" (2001) (retrospective overview of Burke's work and influence) (Chronicle of Higher Education)
William Empson
John Constable (Cambridge U.), "Introduction" to Critical Essays on William Empson (1993) 
Ernst Cassirer Archive 
Sigmund Freud
Roman Jakobson
Jacobson's Model of a Communications Act (David Arnason, U. Manitoba)
Jakobson's Communication Model (John Lye, Brock U.)
Jean-Paul Sartre (on Philosophy page) 
Ludwig Wittgenstein (on Philosophy page) 
Martin Heidegger (on Philosophy page) 
John Crowe Ransom
Modern American Poetry: John Crowe Ransom
Homepage (Cary Nelson & Edwrd Brunner, U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Ransom's Editorial "The Future of Poetry" from The Fugitive with a Reply by Allen Tate 
Selection of Ransom Poems from The Fugitive 
I.A. Richards
I. A. Richards Web Resource (includes illustrated chronology, complete checklist of works, extensive checklists of criticism on Richards, news, and lists of links to additional relevant resources) (John Constable, Magdalene C., Cambridge U.)
John Constable (Cambridge U.), "I. A. Richards, T S. Eliot and the Poetry of Belief" (1990) 
Ferdinand De Saussure
Saussure (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Saussure and the Sign (David Arnason, U. Manitoba)
Saussurescape (Web-based exercise to illustrate the ideas of Ferdinand Saussure) (Warren Hedges, Southern Oregon U.)
Simone De Beauvoir (on Philosophy page) 
Robert Penn Warren
American Academy of Poets: Robert Penn Warren 
Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren, Understanding Poetry: An Anthology for College Students (rev. ed., 1950) (brief excerpts) (Al Filreis, U. Penn.)
Modern American Poetry: Robert Penn Warren
Homepage (Edward Brunner, U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Warren on Warren (brief excerpts of Warren's views about writing)  
Robert Penn Warren (brief bio and bibliiography) (George Brosi / KYLIT)
Robert Penn Warren Page (Bob Frey)
General Contemporary Theory Resources
Critical and Cultural Theory Resources (George Washington U. Program in Human Sciences)
Critical Theory and Human Computer Interaction 
Cyberspace, Hypertext, & Critical Theory (George Landow et al., Brown U.)
FrontList Books: Scholarly Books on the Web
Homepage of FrontList Books (online bookstore offering "scholarly and literary titles to readers with decidedly theoretical interests;" emphasis on recently published and soon to be published titles from over 175 publishers in "literary, feminist, queer, and postcolonial theory; cinema, literary, gender, women's, asian, latin american, and cultural studies; fiction, philosophy, anthropology, history, and poetry"; allows browsing by category and includes brief descriptions of books)
African-American Studies 
Art History & Theory 
Cinema & Media Studies 
Critical Theory / Marxism 
Cultural Studies 
French Stuff (French Theory) 
Gender & Sexuality 
Literary Studies 
Political Science/ Sociology 
(Post)Colonial Studies 
Queer Theory / Gay & Lesbian Studies 
Race & Culture 
Science Studies 
Introduction to Modern Literary Theory ("succinct explanations, key figures, bibliographies,and suggested websites for major literary/cultural theories") (Kristi Siegel, Mount Mary C.)
Mary Klages (U. Colorado, Boulder), Modern Critical Thought (1996) (course site that includes lecture notes on theoretical movements)
John Lye (Brock U.),
A Checklist of Theoretical Concerns 
Close Reading vs Cultural Studies 
Some Characteristics of Contemporary Theory 
Marist College English Web: Postmodern Theory, Cultural Studies, and Hypertext (Tom Goldpaugh)
The Notebook for Contemporary Continental Philosophy (Scott H. Moore, Baylor U.)
Peter Krapp's Theory Site (resources on theory, with a particularly strong suite of pages devoted to the tradition of deconstructive theorists) (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Society for Critical Exchange ("North America's only academic society devoted to Literary Theory")
Spoon Collective Theory Discussion Lists (subscription info and archives for the major theory/philosophy listservs and majordomos, including the Lyotard, Deleuze-Guattari, Baudrillard, Feyerabend, and other well-known majordomo theory groups)
SWIRL: Theory at Southern Oregon U. -- Your Guide to Post-Millennial Paradigms
Homepage (Warren Hedges, Southern Oregon U.)
The Big Issues 
Theoretical Paradigms 
Timeline of Major Critical Theories in the U.S. 
U. California, Irvine, Theory Resources
Critical Theory Archives (Critical Theory Institute, U. California, Irvine)
UC Humanities Research Institute Bibliographies (bibliographies for UCHRI conferences by Eddie Yeghiayan) (U. Calif. Irvine)
UC Irvine Critical Theory Institute (Eddie Yeghiayan, U. Calif. Irvine)
UC Irvine Critical Theory Resource (bibliographies of major theorists by Eddie Yeghiayan) (Eric D. Friedman, U. Calif. Irvine)
U. Penn ÉCLAT: The Essential Comparative Literature And Theory Site 
Who's Who in Theory (Campus Community, Southern Oregon U.)
Cultural Studies (Cultural studies" on this page designates the intersection between cultural criticism/theory and selective resources in sociology, media studies, postcolonial studies, economics, literature, and other fields chosen to represent the alignments that now signify "culture" for the contemporary humanities.)
Ecoliterature & Ecocriticism
ASLE: Assoc. for the Study of Literature and Environment
Homepage (ecoliterature and related resources)
ASLE Graduate Handbook on Literature and Environment 
Electronic Archives 
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 
Publications & Bibliography 
Related Resources on Literature and Environment 
Wildernet: American Environment and American Culture (created by Thomas Thurston's class on "Wilderness and the American Imagination," Yale U.)
Conferences (Ecocriticsm and Ecoliterature)
Environmental Studies Association of Canada (call for Papers for Environmental Arts and Performance,May 28-30, 2002, U. Toronto)
Course Syllabi
ASLE: Course Syllabi 
Thomas Thurston (Yale U.), Wilderness in the North American Imagination 
Women's Studies & Feminist Theory
Film Theory
Marxist, Communist, Frankfurt School, & Later-Marxist Critique (Note: Marxist Or Marx-Influenced Theorists Who Have Also Had A More Broadly Or Less-Strictly Marxist Cultural-Critical Reception Are Included Above Under Cultural-Studies
Media Studies
Franz Stanzel on Narration (David Arnason, U. Manitoba)
Journal of Narrative Technique 
Narrative: Journal of the Society for the Study of Narrative (info and contents)
Roger Clough (National Institute of Standards, retired), "Ouroboros: Story Composition and Analysis Using Feng Shui and the Enneagram" (2001) ("a method of composing and analyzing stories, here in the form of dramas, is given which combines elements of chinese five-phase and feng shui theory and the enneagram")
Society for the Study of Narrative (Jay Clayton, Vanderbilt U.)
Postcolonial Theory
Postindustrial Business Theory
General Resources on Postmodern Theory
alt.postmodern (newsgroup)
Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory and Postmodern Thought (Martin Ryder, U. Colorado, Denver)
Everything Postmodern (links to postmodernism-related Web sites, newsgroups, philosophers, etc.) (Gregory Broquard)
General Introduction to Postmodernism (Dino Felluga, Purdue U.)
Peter Krapp's Theory Site (resources on theory, with a particularly strong suite of pages devoted to the tradition of deconstructive theorists) (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Postmodern Culture
Postmodern Thought (metapage from Instructional Design Theory, U. Colorado, Denver)
Postmodern Thought Links from U. Colorado, Denver (Marin Ryder)
Postmodernism (SWIRL)
Postmodernism (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Postmodernism, Interactivity, Cyberculture, and Art: Online Resources (Wendy Gale Robinson, U. North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Duke U.)
Some Poststructuralist Assumptions (John Lye, Brock U.)
SWIRL: Theory at Southern Oregon U. -- Your Guide to Post-Millennial Paradigms
The/Untimely/Past (bibliographies and links "relating to the intersection of historiographic practice with poststructuralism, postmodernism, and allied areas of theory / practice"; partially annotated and includes some quotations from the works; also includ
Who's Who in Theory (Campus Community, Southern Oregon U.)
Gladys Adamson, "Posmodernidad y la lógica cultural del capitalismo tardío" (1997) (Sincronia)
Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson Links (Womynlynks)
Laurie Anderson Page (Peter Hartman)
Laurie Anderson Page (Gayle Olson)
Sheli Ayers (UCSB), "Virile Magic" (Speed)
Barbara Christian: "The Race for Theory" (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Roland Barthes
Barthean Codes (David Arnason, U. Manitoba)
Barthes Notes (notes on terms and concepts in Camera Lucida) (Ron Burnett, McGill U.) Roland Barthes (Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center)
Secondary Literature
Jean Baudrillard
General Resources
Listservs & Newsgroups
Relevant Courses
Andrew Benjamin (U. Warwick), "At Home with Replicants: The Architecture of Blade Runner" (Basilisk)
Charles Bernstein (State U. Of New York, Buffalo)
Charles Bernstein (Electronic Poetry Center, SUNY Buffalo)
"I Don't Take Voice Mail" 
"Warning Poetry Area: Publics Under Construction" (1996) (essay)
Hakim Bey
Hakim Bey Page (Marius Watz)
TAZ: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism (theory of piracy, anarchy, and chaos)
Michael Bischoff, "The End of Philosophy and the Rise of Films" (a thesis on Heidegger, Wim Wenders, and technology)
Maurice Blanchot
ArtsandCulture: Maurice Blanchot (
Blanchot Resource Page (Reginald Lilly, Skidmore C., NY)
Blanchot List: Archives (U. Virginia)
Harold Bloom
Marion Long, Interview with Harold Bloom Regarding The Western Canon (HomeArts)
Body/Corporeality Theory (on Cultural Studies page)
Borges Fetishization (part of U. Florida Fetish project)
Rosi Braidotti
"Cyberfeminism with a Difference" (1996) ("I will first of all situate the question of cyber-bodies in the framework of postmodernity, stressing the paradoxes of embodiment . . . ")
Kathleen O'Grady (Cambridge U.), "Nomadic Philosopher: A Conversation with Rosi Braidotti" (1995) (Women's Education des femmes), U. Iowa Libraries)
Commuter's THEater (School of Architecture, U Texas Austin)
Consumptive Writing (A Fatal Strategy) (unique site that presents an anti-"process" approach to the philosophy and practice of composition teaching on the basis of cross-disciplinary reflections centered on Baudrillard's philosophy) (Matthew Levy, U. Texas, Arlington)
Cornel West & His Critics (Brent Edwards)
Couch-Stone Symposium for 1997 (U. Maryland, College Park, April 10-13, 1997) (conference on the relation between postmodern culture and the global economic system) (Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction)
Cybermind (Web page of the Cybermind list)
Guy Debord
Guy Debord (bibliography of Debord, links to many of his texts) (Not Bored"an anarchist, situationist-inspired, low-budget, irregularly published, photocopied journal")
Guy Dubord Society of the Spectacle  (
Guy Dubord  (
Pierre Guillaume remembers Guy Debord 
Guy Debord (resources to biographical links and links to/about Debord's work)
Gianfranco Marelli Obituary: Last Curtain Call for Guy Debord (
Guy Debord
Guy Debord Page 
Howlings in Favor of Sade (1952) 
The Society of the Spectacle (1967) 
Glen Scot Allen (Towson State U.), "Baptismal Eulogies: Reconstructing Deconstruction from the Ashes" (1993) 
"Conversation with Geoffrey Bennington" (on the relation between deconstruction and hypertext, the Internet, and information technology) (Seulemonde)
Deconstruction: Some Assumptions (John Lye, Brock U.)
Deconstruction (SWIRL)
Paul De Man
Jacques Derrida (listed separately) 
J. Hillis Miller (listed separately) 
Structuralism/Deconstruction (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Writing in Reserve: Deconstruction on the Net (Derrida page) (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Gilles Deleuze And Félix Guattari
General Resources
Other Relevant Pages
Secondary Literature
Writings & Interviews
Paul De Man
Paul de Man Bibliography (UC Irvine Critical Theory Resource / Eddie Yeghiayan, U. Calif. Irvine)
Jacques Derrida
General Resources
Secondary Literature
Writings & Interviews
Donna Haraway (on Cultural Studies page)
Edward W. Said (on Cultural Studies page)
Elisabeth Weber: Selected Bibliography (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Emmanuel Levinas (on Philosophy page) 
Fetishturgy (U. Florida project inspired by
Fredric Jameson (on Cultural Studies page)
Friedrich A. Kittler Bibliography (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Gender and Postmodern Communication ("This page locates the current Monist Interactive Issue discussion on Gender and Postmodern Communication"; includes links to resources)
Geoffrey Hartman (bibliography) (UC Irvine Critical Theory Resource/Eddie Yeghiayan, U. Calif. Irvine)
N. Katherine Hayles (UCLA), "The Materiality of Informatics" (1993) (Configurations)
Sean Homer (Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies, U. Sheffield), "Mapping the Terrain of Theoretical Anti-Humanism" 
James S. Hurley, "Marcuse's Car: Pulp Fiction and the Sublime Object of 'Cool' " (1997) (Thresholds)
Linda Hutcheon
Kathleen O'Grady (Trinity C., Cambridge U.), "Theorizing -- Feminism and Postmodernity: A Conversation with Linda Hutcheon (1997)" 
Hypertext, or Anti-Linear Navigation (beautifully-designed hypertext work on hypertext and poststructuralist theory) (Eric Feay)
Earl Jackson, Jr. (U. California, Santa Cruz), Alien/ations: The Postmodern in Japan and EuroAmerica (course)
Jacques Lacan (under Psychology below) 
Jason Brown's Page (UCSB) (requires graphical browser) (technically and aesthetically advanced set of pages of interest to literary and art theorists)
Jerome McGann's Home Page 
Judith Butler (on Gender Studies page) 
Julia Kristeva (on Gender Studies page) 
Jürgen Habermas (on Cultural Studies page)
Michael Kilburn, "Appropriation and the Semiotics of Seeing" (1997) Thresholds)
Arthur Kroker
"Digital Humanism: The Processed World of Marshall McLuhan (CTHEORY)
Arthur Kroker and Marilouise Kroker "Code Warriors: Bunkering In and Dumbing Down" (CTHEORY)
Arthur Kroker and Michael Weinsten "The Hyper-Texted Body, Or Nietzsche Gets a Modem" (CTHEORY)
Laurence Rickels Online (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Vadim Linetski (Hebrew U., Jerusalem) (See Also Under Deleuze And Derrida On This Page)
"Poststructuralist Paraesthetics and the Phantasy of the Reversal of Generations" (1996) (Postmodern Culture) (requires Project Muse subscription)
Luce Irigaray(on Gender Studies page) 
Jean-François Lyotard
Jean Francois Lyotard's The Differend: Phrases in Dispute (Robert S. Leventhal, U. Virginia - Responses to the Holocaust: A Hypermedia Sourcebook for the Humanities)
Jean-François Lyotard (bibliography) (UC Irvine Critical Theory Resource/Eddie Yeghiayan, U. Calif. Irvine)
Literary Theory: A Literary Theory Project in the Dept. of English, Rice U. (currently centered on Lyotard's Just Gaming and performance theory)
Lyotard Auto-Differend Page (a technical experiment and theoretical allegory; makes extensive use of client-pull animation to create a universe of automatic page sequences organized around the philosophy of Lyotard) (Alan Liu)
Lyotard: Bibliography-in-Progress (Spoon Collective Lyotard List)
Lyotard Listserv Archives (Spoons Collective)
Readers' Guide to Lyotard (Spoons Collective)
Spoon Collective Lyotard List (Shawn P. Wilbur)
Adrian Mackenzie (Sydney U.), "'God Has No Allergies': Immanent Ethics and the Simulacra of the Immune System" 
Victor Margolin (U. Illinois, Chicago), "The Politics of the Artificial" (1995) (philosophical approach to the concept of artifice that includes discussion of William Gibson, Jean Baudrillard, Donna Haraway, and other postmodern writers)
Marist College English Web: Postmodern Theory, Cultural Studies, and Hypertext (Tom Goldpaugh)
Mark Poster (on Cultural Studies page)
Keven McNeilly (U. British Columbia), "Ugly Beauty: John Zorn and the Politics of Postmodern Music" (includes sound clips) (PMC, 1995)
Melissa McMahon, "Beauty: Machinic Repetition in the Age of Art" (1996) (Globe E-Journal)
Michel Foucault (on Cultural Studies page)
J. Hillis Miller (U. California, Irvine)
General Resources
Mobilis in Mobili: Theory Page (Mark Nunes)
Mudus Philosophicus (Cafe des Philosophes) (Assoc. for Systematic Philosophy MUD and happy hour) (telnet)
Murray Krieger (bibliography) (UC Irvine Critical Theory Resource/Eddie Yeghiayan, U. Calif. Irvine)
National Association of Scholars (NAS)
Homepage (the recent pro-canon, anti-pc, anti-"post" professional organization of literary scholars; "the only academic organization dedicated to the restoration of intellectual substance, individual merit, and academic freedom in the universi
Pondering Postmodernism ("an experimental site, still under development, whose purpose is to list actual course descriptions from the pages of college and university catalogs--from all academic disciplines--as well as incidental items to highlight what sparks the post
The Undergrowth of Philosophy ("containing all that is wacky, preposterous, and just plain silly in contemporary philosophy")
Robert Nideffer (U. California, Santa Barbara), "Bodies, No-Bodies, and Anti-Bodies at War: Operation Desert Storm and the Politics of the 'Real' " (dissertation on the representation of the Gulf War; "The following chapters touch down in many different places in order to explore how the development, use, control and interpretation of various technological devices served to help code the w
No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed (Ken Knisely's Socratic Philosophy Television) (Web support page for the No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed TV shows)
No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed: Outbound Links 
Peggy Kamuf: Selected Bibliography (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
PMC-MOO Archives 
Postmodernism and Art History (articles "on over three years of exhibitions at museums and galleries"; browseable "by artist, period in art history, or postmodern ideas"; I link artists and ideas, because I write about artists that get me thinking") (Joh
Rodolphe Gasché: Selected Bibliography (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
David N. Rodowick (Cornell U.)
Homepage of D. N. Rodowick 
"Audiovisual Culture and Interdisciplinary Knowledge" (1995) 
Gilles Deleuze's Time-Machine (Chapter One) (1997) 
Preface to The Difficulty of Difference: Psychoanalysis, Sexual Difference, and Film Theory (1991) 
Preface to The Crisis of Political Modernism: Criticism and Ideology in Contemporary Film Theory (2nd ed., 1994) 
"Reading the Figural" (1990) 
Avital Ronell
Avital Ronell Bibliography (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Alexander Laurence, Interview (1994) 
Ron English - Agit-Pop Artist
Homepage of Ron English, Agit-Pop Artist 
Revisionist Modernism 
John Rothfork (New Mexico Tech.), " Postmodern Ethics: Richard Rorty & Michael Polanyi" (1995) 
Samuel Weber Page (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
fran sendbuehler, Image, Object, Text in the Production of Daniel Richler's "Kicking Tomorrow" (this thesis "examines the reproduction of the text; that is, not the act of writing, but the act of editing and preparing a book for publication reproduction of a manuscript with its paratext. Hence, this study is a genetics of reproduction as
Steven Shaviro, Doom Patrols ("theoretical fiction about postmodernism and popular culture"; full text of book)
Cindy Sherman
Show Your Fetish (collective hypertext writing experiment using X-Change Space) (
Situationist International
Situationist International (Shawn Wilbur, Bowling Green State U.)
Situationist International Archive (Spud)
Situationist International Bibliography (Shawn Wilbur, Bowling Green State U.)
Gayatri Spivak
ArtsandCulture: Gayatri Spivak (
Spivak Glossary (Deepika Bahri, Emory U.)
Spivak Page (Michael Kilburn, Emory U.)
Stanley Fish Page (Campus Community, Southern Oregon U.)
Allucquere Rosanne Stone (U. Texas, Austin)
"The 'Empire' Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto" 
MONDO 2000 Interview (uncut version) (text file)
Sandy Stone's Homepage 
"Techno-Prosthetics and Exterior Presence: A Conversation With Allucquere Rosanne Stone" (Speed, Spring 1995)
"Violation and Virtuality: Two Cases of Physical and Psychological Boundary Transgressions and Their Implications" 
"What Vampires Know: Transsubjection and Transgender in Cyberspace" 
Stuart Hall (on Cultural Studies page)
Mark Tribe, "Postmodern Time" (1993) 
Gregory Ulmer
Gregory Ulmer's Home Page 
Paul Virilio
General Resources
Secondary Literature
Works & Interviews
Gabriel Watson & Jason Brown (U. California, Santa Barbara), "Cultural Proesthetics: The Mutational Aesthetics of the Late Organic" (multimedia, hypertext work) (Speed)
Shawn P. Wilbur (Bowling Green State U.)
" 'Cyberpunks' to Synners: Toward a Feminist Posthumanism?" 
"Dromologies: Paul Virilio: Speed, Cinema, and the End of the Political State" 
Shawn P. Wilbur's Cyberspatial Page 
What is the Postmodern, Anyway? (Shawn's pomo links)
Mark Wolff, "Post-Structuralism and the ARTFL Database: Some Theoretical Considerations" (1994) (Information Technology and Libraries)
Wolfgang Iser (bibliography) (UC Irvine Critical Theory Resource/Eddie Yeghiayan, U. Calif. Irvine)
Carina Yervasi "Pre/Sub/Urban Sprawl: The 19th Century Parisian Passage as 'Failed' Urban Mall" (Speed) 
Slavoj Zizek
Geert Lovink, "Civil Society, Fanaticism, and Digital Reality: A Conversation with Slavoj Zizek" (1995) (CTHEORY)
Zizek Resources (Notebook for Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
Psychology (Including General Psychology, Cognitive Science, Evolutionary Psychology, Pscyhoanalysis)
Academy for the Study of the Psychoanalytic Arts ("The Academy 's organizing interest and defining project is to be found in the reconsideration, reexamination, and rethinking of the philosophical-theoretical underpinnings of psychoanalysis within a contextual metaphor other than that of heal
ArtsandCulture: Psychoanalysis (
The Brain: A Work in Progress (Los Angeles Times series on new bio-psychological research, Oct. 1996)
Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies (U. Sheffield) 
Cognitive Science & the Arts (Cynthia Freeland, U. Houston)
Contemporary Philosophy of Mind: An Annotated Bibliography (David Chalmers, U. California, Santa Cruz)
Depts. & Programs
NYU Psychology Dept. 
Sigmund Freud
General Resources on Freud
Healing the Mind: An Exhibition of Arts and Crafts by Artists With Mental Illnesses (Verlangieri Virtual Gallery of Art)
Norman N. Holland, "The Internet Regression" 
Imagination and the Adapted Mind: The Prehistory and Future of Poetry, Fiction, and Related Arts: Univ. of California, Santa Barbara; Aug. 26-29, 1999 (conference in which "humanistic participants will address aspects of the imaginative arts that might eventually illuminate the nature of the cognitive systems which produce and process cultural representations while the cognitive scientists
International Society for Theoretical Psychology (Christopher D. Green)
Earl Jackson, Jr. (U. California, Santa Cruz)
Semiotics and Psychology (course)
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 
Journal of Memetics: Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission (peer-reviewed)
Jacques Lacan
ArtsandCulture: Jacques Lacan (
Kid A In Alphabet Land: A Trading Card Set Dealing With Jacques Lacan ("An Abededarian Roller Coaster Ride Through the Phallocentric Obscurantism of Jacques Lacan, With Apologies to Slavoj Sizek. 30 card series") (Carl Steadman, HotWired)
Lacan (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Lacanian Links ("largest annotated Lacanian link list in cyberspace") (Timothy Leuer, Kurume U., Japan)
Lacan Page (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Peter Starr (USC), "The Tragic Ear of the Intellectual: Lacan" (1998) (on Lacan and May 1968) (Tympanum)
François Lachance (U. Toronto), Sense: Orientations, Meanings, Apparatus (comparative literature dissertation; "Each section of the study examines how an organization of the senses affects theory making")
R. D. Laing
Clare, Dr. Anthony 51-minute streaming video interview (The Roland Collection of Films and Videos on Art: A great resource with over 300 hours of streaming video available for free viewing)
Literature, Cognition & the Brain ("research at the intersection of literary studies, cognitive theory, and neuroscience"; page includes "abstracts, reviews, accounts of work forthcoming or in progress, links to related web sites, and a regularly updated bibliography&
The Lucifer Principle (support page for Howard Bloom's book explaining the origin of evil from an evolutionary-psychology perspective; includes brief excerpts and
Mind and Body: René Descartes to William James (site on the mind-body problem from the 17th through 19th centuries; originally a 1992 exihibit at the U. S. National Library of Medicine) (Robert H. Wozniak, Bryn Mawr College)
Narrative Psychology: An Internet Guide ("focuses upon narrative perspectives in psychology and allied disciplines and provides an interdisciplinary guide to bibliographical and Internet resources concerned with 'the storied nature of human conduct' ") (Vincent W. Hevern, Le Moy
Ninth Street Center (Paul Rosenfels Page) (site dedicated to the ideas of the "Chicago-based psychiatrist who, after breaking with psychoanalysis in the 1940's, developed his own ideas about human relationships")
Noetica (cognitive-science journal)
The Personality Index ("This page is simply intended to gather together links to a variety of home pages organized by personality type. . . . In a sense, I consider this page to be a test of the validity of the theory of personality typing") (Dou
Philosophy of Psychiatry Bibliography ("ethical, social, political, legal, historical and philosophical issues in mental health and psychiatry") (Christian Perring)
The Pre-History of Cognitive Science Web (annotated bibliography and discussion of philosophers of human cognition from the 17th through 19th centuries) (Carl Stahmer, UC Santa Barbara)
Psychoanalysis (SWIRL)
Psychoanalysis and the Public Sphere Forum (Robert M. Young, Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies, U. Sheffield)
Psychoanalysis and Sigmund Freud (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Psychoanalytic Theory (John Lye, Brock U.)
Psychology Page (Patrick Macartney, U. Leeds)
Psycoloquy: Refereed Interdisciplinary Journal of Psychology, with Peer Commentary (journal for "cognitive science, neuroscience, behavioral biology, artificial intelligence, robotics/vision, linguistics and philosophy")
Psyc Site: Science of Psychology Resources (Ken Stange, Nipissing U.)
Resources of Scholarly Societies - Psychology (U. Waterloo)
Resources on the History of Idiocy (well-developed "bibliographic and text resource base"; includes links to texts on the topic) (Murray K. Simpson, U. Dundee)
Michael Rustin and Andrew Cooper, Psychoanalysis and "the Public Sphere: The Project in Changing Times" (1996) 
Herbert Simon, "Literary Criticism: A Cognitive Approach" (1994) (Stanford Electronic Humanities Review)
Theory & Psychology Journal 
(conference) Trauma and Memory: Cross-Cultural Perspectives (May 22-24, 1998, U. New South Wales, Australia) (includes abstracts of papers)
The Turing Test Homepage ("contains all the information that we could find concerning the so called 'Turing Test' ") (Pinar Saygin, Varol Akman)
Sherry Turkle (MIT), "Tough Love: An Introduction to Françoise Dolto's When Parents Separate" 
Shmuel Vaknin, Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Re-Visited 
Robert M. Young (Centre For Psychotherapeutic Studies, U. Sheffield): Selected Essays
"British Psychoanalysis and Politics" (1991) 
The Culture of British Psychoanalysis and Related Essays on Character and Morality and on The Psychodynamics of Psychoanalytic Organizations (1996) 
"Primitive Processes on the Internet" (1996) ("an exploration of people's primitive feelings about computers and getting on the Internet. It also examines some of the fantasy and other irrational elements of being on the 'net")
"Psychoanalysis and the Other: Psychopathology and Racism" (1993) 
"Psychoanalysis and/of the Internet" (1995) 
"The Psychoanalysis of Sectarianism" (1993) 
"Psychotic Anxieties and the Fading Hopes of the Left" (1992) 
"Racism: Projective Identification and Cultural Processes" (1992) 
Reader Response Theory
Russell A. Hunt (St. Thomas U.), Essays On Literary Reading 
David S. Miall and Don Kuiken, "Forms of Reading: Recovering the Self-As-Reader" (1996) ("We question theoretical claims that there is nothing intrinsically "literary" about literary texts, and examine some empirical studies that appear to support a formalist position")
Reader-Response: Various Positions (John Lye, Brock U.)
Stages of Reading Literature as Aesthetic Experiencing (hypertext guide to reader response to literature) (English Dept., Virginia Commonwealth U.)  
Applied Semiotics / Sémiotique Appliquée (peer-reviewed online journal)
David Chandler (U. Wales, Aberystwyth), "Semiotics for Beginners" 
Charles S. Peirce Page 
Classes of Signs (David Arnason, U. Manitoba)
Ferdinand de Saussure (see under Early to Mid 20th-C. above) 
Earl Jackson, Jr. (U. California, Santa Cruz), Semiotics and Psychoanalysis (course)
Roman Jakobson (see under Early to Mid 20th-C. above) 
Thomas Sebeok, "Communication" 
Semiotics (metapage) (U. Colorado, Denver)
Sites of Significance for Semiotics
Homepage (well-organized collection of links to large-scale resources relevant to semiotics and related fields) (Pascal Michelucci)
Calls for Papers in Semiotics 
Fun and Beyond 
Sites of Significance for Semiotics: People and Groups 
Semiotics Texts (Applied Semiotics)
Research groups 
Semiotic Issues 
Semiotics and Cognitive Sciences 
Semiotics and Culture 
Science, Technology, & Culture This sub-page includes a selection of resources on science, medicine, technology, and cultural-studies/historical approaches to science designed for humanists interested in the relation between sci-tech and society. The emphasis is on materials that reflect upon, historicize, critique, collect, exhibit, or otherwise mediate (and mediatize) sci-tech rather than on scientific research per se.
Literary Theory Journals & Zines
Angelaki: An International Journal of the Theoretical Humanities (info about the journal)
Animus: A Philosophical Journal for Our Time ("aimed at contributing toward a restored comprehension of the chief works and arguments of the Western tradition, considered on their own terms. . . . especially encourages reflection on the relation of the authentic historical
Applied Semiotics / Sémiotique Appliquée (peer-reviewed online journal)
Basileus: The Digital Edition (An International Interdisciplinary Journal for the Philosophy of Law) 
Basilisk ("online quarterly covering architectural theory and design, philosophy, the fine arts, music, perception and neuroscience, literature, and film") (Edward Keller)
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal  ("peer-refereed quarterly . . . publishes literary theory and criticism on all aspects of literature and culture from an international perspective; maintains a Library with publicly accessible bibliographies")
Critical Inquiry 
Cultural Dynamics 
Detours and Delays: An Occasional Journal of Aesthetics and Politics (online journal; "current criticism, critical theory, art and new media")
Enculturation: An Electric Journal for Cultural Studies, Rhetorics, and Theories (Graduate Humanities Dept., U. Texas at Arlington)
Foreign Body ("perhaps least badly defined as a deconstructive fanzine") (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Husserl Studies 
International Kierkegaard Newsletter (Julia Watkin)
JAC Online (composition theory) (U. South Florida English Dept.)
Journal of Memetics: Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission (peer-reviewed)
Journal of Narrative Technique 
Journal of Nietzsche Studies 
Leonardo ("international journal for readers interested in the application of contemporary science and technology to the arts and music")
Literary Witches (" postmodernism, avant-pop, reconstruction, hypertext, transgendered experimentation, multiculturalism, literary theory, feminism, postfeminism and c/lit culture ezine")
October 71: Special Issue feminist issueS 
October 70: Special Issue The Duchamp Effect 
Other Voices (online journal for graduate-student essays) (Vance Bell, et al., U. Penn.)
The Owl of Minerva (journal for Hegel studies)
Perforations (journal of culture & technology)
Philosophy and Literature 
Philosophy of Education Society Yearbook 
Postmodern Culture
Homepage of Postmodern Culture 
Creative Works from PMC 
Essays in Postmodern Culture (collected from Postmodern Culture journal) (ed. John Unsworth)
PMC-MOO Archives 
PMC Reviews (all) 
PMC's List of Related Readings 
PMC-Talk (1990-94) 
Pop-Cult Columns from PMC 
Pre/Text: A Journal of Rhetorical Theory 
Public Culture (journal of "transnational cultural studies"; includes article abstracts)
SITES Online (very advanced site for electronic architecture, architecture online, architectural theory, etc.) (Dennis Dollens)
SubStance (Sydney Lévy, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Undercurrent: An Online Journal for the Analysis of the Present (Erick Heroux)
Work in Progress ("post-graduate journal of comparative studies in literature and the arts") (Stuart Reeves & Gerry Carlin, Warwick U.)
Course Syllabi
Jay Clayton (Vanderbilt U.), Postmodernism and the Culture of Cyberspace 
Gregory Ulmer (U. Florida, Gainesville)
"Critical Theory" 
"Electronic Culture" 
Gary Harrison (U. New Mexico)
Ecocriticism (1998) (graduate course)
Literary Criticism and Theory (1997) (graduate course)
Earl Jackson, Jr. (U. California, Santa Cruz)
Alien/ations: The Postmodern in Japan and EuroAmerica 
Histories of Meaning ("intensive selective survey of theories of meaning from Plato to Augustine")
Hysteria and Paranoia (course)
Semiotics and Psychology (course)
Mary Klages (U. Colorado, Boulder), Modern Critical Thought (includes lecture notes on major theoretical movements and authors)
Carol Lloyd, "I Was Michel Foucault's Love Slave" (1997) (confessional, meditative essay on the life of theory: "I am a child of Theory") (Salon Magazine)
John Lye (Brock U.), Contemporary Literary Theory (well-developed site for a course; includes expository material on major theoretical movements)
Wesley Morris (Rice U.)
Politics and Literary Theory: Performing the Self (1997) 
Studies in Literary Theory: Problems in the History of the Theory Canon 
Tim Spurgin (Lawrence U., Wisconsin), Contemporary Literary Theory (includes class handouts on theorists and movements)
Ismail S. Talib (National U. of Singapore), "Literary Stylistics" ("linguistic and discourse-analytical approaches to style in literary works")
John Unsworth (U. Virginia), "Contemporary Literature and Theory: Engineering the Self in the Late Twentieth Century" 
Literary Theory Listservs & Newsgroups
alt.culture.theory (newsgroup)
Bataille List: Archives (U. Virginia)
Baudrillard Listserv: Archives (U. Virginia)
Blanchot List: Archives (U. Virginia)
Bourdieu List Archive (Spoons Collective)
Cybermind (Web page of the Cybermind list)
Foucault List: Archives (U. Virginia)
Frankfurt School List: Archives (U. Virginia)
Habermas List Archive (Spoon Collective)
Lyotard List (Shawn P. Wilbur)
Spoon Collective Theory Discussion Lists (subscription info and archives for the major theory/philosophy listservs and majordomos, including the Lyotard, Deleuze-Guattari, Baudrillard, Feyerabend, and other well-known majordomo theory groups)
Homepage of Tile.Net (interactive database of FTP servers, Usenet newsgroups, and listservs)
FTP Lists (generates broadly- or narrowly-defined hyperlinked lists of FTP servers)
Listserv List (generates broadly- or narrowly-defined hyperlinked lists of Listserv groups)
Newsgroup Lists (generates broadly- or narrowly-defined hyperlinked lists of Usenet newsgroups)
Literary Theory Conferences & Calls for Papers
After Postmodernism (Nov. 14-16, 1997, U. Chicago) 
Gender Studies and Sexuality: Calls for Papers (U. Penn English Dept.)
Geomancy: Navigating the Future of Theory (Trent U., Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, March 7, 1997) (graduate-student conference on theory and space)
Imagination and the Adapted Mind: The Prehistory and Future of Poetry, Fiction, and Related Arts: Univ. of California, Santa Barbara; Aug. 26-29, 1999 (conference in which "humanistic participants will address aspects of the imaginative arts that might eventually illuminate the nature of the cognitive systems which produce and process cultural representations while the cognitive scientists
International Association for Semiotic Studies 6th Congress (Guadalajara, Mexico, July 13-18, 1997 (announcement)
Theory: Calls for Papers (U. Penn English Dept.)